2012 Report for Lenzi Park


Wooster Square

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Corner of St. Johns and Jefferson Sts., New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9159428 41.3067051)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


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3 rosa rugosa, 6 low bush blueberry

Number of perennials planted


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10 ferns (cinnamon, Christmas, Japanese painted ferns, ghost), 21 Echinaceas, 26 blackeyed susans, 10 creeping phlox, 'fort hill', 1 pachysandra, 1 myrtle, 2 bee balms

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Friends of Lenzi Park was formed in 2001 and in the initial years of participating in the Greenspace undertook major projects. Over the past five years, a small and a dedicated group have been focusing on planting native perennials and stewardship of the park which includes one large bed in front of a beautiful mural, four flowerbeds, and one fern/meditation garden. In 2011, the group created compost areas, maintained the flowerbeds under the trees by edging and placing bricks. This year the group focused on weeding and mulching, limbing up trees, edging along the fence, planting 47 perennials in the flowerbeds, adding adjustable compost bins to delineate the area better, planting three rose bushes in the area in front of the compost bins, and installing a rain barrel. There were a few new members in the group this year and together they take initiative to maintain the park.

Other activity

300 bricks, two compost bins, rain barrel with mosquito net