2015 Report for Lenzi Park


Wooster Square

Type of Site:

Park Friends


Corner of St. Johns and Jefferson Sts., New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9159428 41.3067051)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


Number of shrubs planted


Number of perennials planted


Enter more details about perennials planted

5 day lilies <br>5 hostas <br>7 variegated liriope <br>2 creeping phlox <br>2 bleeding hearts <br>5 vinca minor <br>3 ferns

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



The Friends of Lenzi Park continue to do great work in improving their wonderful neighborhood park on Jefferson St. Located off of bustling Grand Ave., the park provides a relaxing retreat into nature attracting both humans and wildlife alike. The group maintained and stewarded the perennials that were planted in the summer of 2014. This involved mulching, weeding, pruning, and watering the garden beds along Jefferson St. as well as all the beds within the park. They removed invasives such as bittersweet, mugwort, and Japanese knotweed. This year, the group focused on three big projects – spreading peastone, removing concrete, and painting. The group covered the pathway that curves through the park with peastone for an aesthetically pleasing view as well to suppress weed growth on the walkway. The pin oaks along St. John St. have been uprooting the sidewalk creating a significant change in grade. The group decided to cut and remove concrete along one of the oaks in order to give the tree some breathing room as well as remove a tripping hazard. This was a huge undertaking as it involved removing nearly 1 ton of concrete! There is a now a beautiful perennial bed on St. John St. And finally, the fence that runs along the outside border of the park has been repainted.

Other activity

0.5 yards of topsoil, 2 yards of peastone, 3 gallons of paint, 3 paint trays, 3 brushes, 1 tripod sprinkler