2018 Report for Lenzi Park

Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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Dwarf Alberta Spruce
Number of perennials planted
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Black Eyed Susans, Coral Bells, Hostas, Lady’s Mantle
Yards mulch spread
The long standing Friends of Lenzi Park Greenspace group’s consistent care of Lenzi Park is evident in the work accomplished this summer. At Lenzi Park a path curves its way through the garden space. Previously this path saw reoccurring weeds due to the nature of the pea stones that covered it. This year a group from Emerge joined the Friends of Lenzi Park for a monumental work day in which the peastone was removed, and then through the efforts of the Friends of Lenzi Park a new stonedust path was laid. The focus for the year lay in caring for the plants already in the park, however a 12 perennials were planted in beds cleared along Saint John Street. Through the constant efforts of Volunteers like Jerry, Jenny, Michael and Sara, Lenzi Park continues to be a natural oasis in the Wooster Square neighborhood.