2019 Report for Lenzi Park

Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of perennials planted
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Pardon me daylilies, ajuga, vinca, pink coneflower, white coneflower
Yards mulch spread
The forty-four hours that volunteers spent working at Lenzi Park on Thursday nights this summer only tell part of the story. Less known are the off days: the additional two days a week, early spring through late fall, in which group members weeded, mulched, watered, and pruned on their own time. Lenzi Park started its long season by weeding everywhere: between sidewalk pavers, along the stone dust path, and in all of its planting beds, each of which has a carefully curated mood. Then, they planted an additional forty-three perennials across the park to supplement existing plantings. With its gently curving walking path, artistic garden design, and picnic-ready lawn, Lenzi Park is a gem of the Wooster Square area. The Lenzi Park gardeners are brilliant examples of stewardship at its best.