2018 Report for New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence

Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
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Redbud, Stellar Dogwood
Number of shrubs planted
Number of perennials planted
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Black Eyed Susans, Variegated Liriope, Guacamole Hostas, Phlox, Pow Pow Echinacea, Mouse Ear Hostas, Plantain Hostas, Coral Bells, Variegated Hostas
Yards mulch spread
This Greenspace group consists of mothers who all lost children to gun violence. Their goal is to come together and remember their children, and to bring attention to the issue of gun violence in New Haven. This year the group held their first work days in anticipation for the upcoming Victims of Gun Violence memorial set to be built at 105 Valley Street. The future site of the memorial is a large open area. The area that people will park is about 100 yards down the road, and the space in between the future garden and parking is a forgotten space, filled with weeds and trash blown in by the wind. The group began their work in this space. They started by clearing weeds, and through the work of community members, firemen, and the mothers, they ended the season clearing the entire area, planting 3 trees, 43 perennials, and spreading topsoil and grass seed. This is work of passion, healing, and a community coming together. Their work is testament to what can be done when many hands are put together for a common cause.