2015 Report for Oyster Point



Type of Site:

Park Friends


Oyster Point, 40 Sea Street , New Haven, CT

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9280268 41.2829324)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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2 ginkgo, 1 silver linden, 1 Leyland cypress, 1 goldenrain tree

Number of shrubs planted


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2 sand cherries, 1 smokebush

Number of perennials planted


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3 liriope

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



In their 16th year with the Greenspace program, the Oyster Point group continued working in both Triangle and Bayview Parks. They began the summer by stewarding existing plants and replacing a few shrubs in Triangle Park (including a dead sand cherry and dead inkberry). The group then turned its attention to Bayview Park, with the ultimate goals of planting a living screen for the nearby WPCA pumping station and increasing the park’s overall tree canopy. All told, the group planted 5 new shade trees ranging in location from the park’s western edge (a goldenrain tree near the intersection of Hallock Ave and 6th St) to the park’s eastern edge (a silver linden near the access road for the pumping station). To close out the summer, the group again returned to Triangle Park and some of the nearby trees to continue their stewardship efforts. This work demonstrated not only the Oyster Point group’s desire to plant and green, but also their commitment to continue caring for existing natural resources and plant communities in their neighborhood.

Other activity

Other inputs: 5-gallon buckets (2 total), brown leaf bags, contractor trash bags, underground water installation at Triangle Park