2021 Report for Quinnipiac River Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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2 Highbush blueberries, 2 “Blue Muffin” Vibernums, 2 Chokeberries
Number of perennials planted
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5 Red Yarrow, 11 Stella d’Oro Daylily, 3 Becky Daisy, 2 Agastache Blue Fortune
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
Quinnipiac River Park provides an ideal open space to toss around a frisbee, have a picnic, sit and read under a tree, or take a stroll and enjoy the waterfront view. That said, this summer, the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park decided to focus on harnessing the park’s ecological potential to complement the recreational value it already provides. Volunteers continued working on the pollinator garden located at the intersection of Front St and Pierpont St, engaging in planting and stewardship activities throughout the season. Additionally, all trees between the pollinator garden and Brewery Square were pruned and mulched and perennials were provided to memorial tree stewards to decorate as they saw fit. Perhaps the highlight of the season was the installation of a new berry garden in the center of the park made to provide our avian friends with a delicious meal when they visit the park. Moreover, with support from the Audubon society, the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park have begun having conversations about installing swallow boxes and other bird houses to provide habitat for these species as well. As the years go by, I can see Quinnipiac River Park evolving into a multipurpose space that provides as much ecological benefit for wildlife as it does recreational benefit for humans.