2022 Report for Quinnipiac River Park
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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Perpetua blueberry bushes
Number of perennials planted
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2 lucky star coneflower, 3 purple coneflower, 4 blue fortune Agastache, 2 red fox speedwell, 3 moonbeam coreopsis, 2 Shasta daisies, 4 little goldstar black-eyed Susan, 3 paprika yarrow, 1 sunchoke
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
Breezy and open, with beautiful views of the river, Quinnipiac River Park remains a favorite spot in the Fair Haven neighborhood to walk, fish, and play. This summer, a dedicated group of volunteers met weekly to focus on stewardship and maintenance of their pollinator and berry gardens, with the hope of continuing to increase the park’s ecological benefits as a habitat for butterflies, bees, and birds. The most ambitious project undertaken this summer was an expansion of the berry garden; the garden was increased by 1’ all around to allow for the planting of four new blueberry bushes and several types of flowers that are appealing to birds. More perennials and fresh mulch were also added to the pollinator garden, and that, along with the group’s efforts in weeding and watering, created an attractive space for both humans and wildlife to enjoy.