2008 Report for Scantlebury Park
Number of trees planted
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1 multi-stem Amelanchier, 1 Hawthorn
Number of shrubs planted
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1 Fothergilia
2007 was the Dixwell Management Team Greenspace group's fourth year as a Community Greenspace site. This summer was an exciting time for the group because the redesign of their park (Scantlebury Park) was recently approved by City Plan Department landscape architect David Moser. They also succeeded in permanently closing Canal Street between the Farmington Canal line and the park. This year the group planted two trees and a bush along the Farmington Canal as the park itself is slated for construction. The group also hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the park, an event that was well attended by the Dixwell Community. The group has a bright future: not only will the new park present many planting opportunities, but the space between the park and the canal is now eligible for a Greenspace makeover.