2008 Report for Shepard And Huntington
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of shrubs planted
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1 ninebark, 3 weigelia (wine and roses), 3 little prince spirea, 2 inkberry
Number of perennials planted
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2 ornamental grasses, 7 yarrow
Yards mulch spread
This group formed last year to clean up a vacant lot in the heart of Newhallville. It was led by Melanie Boykin, a single mother who, having moved into the neighborhood two years before, wanted to show her own and other neighborhood children something more positive and beautiful than the predominate activity on the block. Last year the group worked primarily on the southern half of the lot (toward Shepard Street), transforming a weedy dumping ground to a neatly laid-out and colorful park space. They formalized the cut-through on the corner into a cobbled path that neighborhood children helped to decorate. This year the group, under the leadership of Melanie and her neighbor Ken Joyner, enhanced the beds, adding several new shrubs and perennials. However, the group focused most of its attention on working with LCI, the Parks Department, and the Regional Water Authority, to clear the debris in the northern half of the lot and to establish a water connection to facilitate easier maintenance of plantings. The debris in the back of the lot has been removed, literally clearing the way for further enhancing of the park next year. The group is still waiting on the water connection.