Ward St. Neighbors

Volunteer Leader(s):

Noel Blessing

Neighborhood: Hill

Type of Site: Streetscape Streetscape

Address: 117 Ward St, New Haven, CT, 06519


Photo Gallery

2021 Greenspace Report

Ward St. Neighbors are a group of residents of all ages and backgrounds in the Hill neighborhood looking to revitalize and beautify their street with tree canopy. As a newly formed group, volunteers brought enthusiasm and willingness to learn and work to every single activity. Their infectious spirit spread to other neighbors and passersby who would stop to have a conversation or offer their help—even the Alderman, Ron Hunt, came out to help us plant our first tree. Riding on a wave of momentum, the group planted 5 different trees throughout the month of July, giving the street a rejuvenated appearance and the neighbors a deep feeling of accomplishment. Despite it being the group’s first year, by the end of the season they were planting trees like seasoned veterans. I am optimistic about what the future will look like for Ward St. Neighbors.

2021 Accomplishments

  • 5 trees planted (Honeylocust, Cherry (Okame), Japanese Tree Lilac (2), American Hornbeam)
  • 8 perennials planted (Coral bells (4), Veronica Speed Glory (2), Variegated liriope (2))
  • 0.5 yards compost spread
  • 0.5 yards mulch spread
  • 4 events
  • 9 volunteers
  • 26 volunteer hours