2015 Report for Watson And Bassett
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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1 ninebark <br>2 variegated euonymous <br>1 juniper bush
Number of perennials planted
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5 catmint <br>2 coral bells
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
The Watson/Basset Greenspace is just off of the Farmington Canal Trail and is a welcoming sight to all trail users. There is also a pathway that runs through the space itself that connects Watson St. to the canal trail. The area provides a great space for trail users to relax, if they wanted to, on benches under the shade of maple trees. Community volunteers have been spotty in the past years but this summer marked huge surge in participation! Neighbors and their kids have come out to work every Friday evening to improve and beautify this area. The group’s main activities have been spruce up the area with aesthetic and infrastructure improvements – this included painting the birdhouse, maintaining the birdbath, and mending the loose fence border along Watson Street. The group also planted along this fence, along the canal trail border, and the fence that separates it from the adjacent property. A big win for this year was having water turned on at the site. After years of hauling buckets of water, the group can hook up a hose and water on-site!
Other activity
0.5 yards of topsoil, grass seed, hose, nozzle, 1 gallon of paint, 2 paint trays