2016 Report for Watson And Bassett
Number of volunteers
Total volunteer hours
Number of events
Number of trees planted
Number of shrubs planted
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andromeda (3)
Number of perennials planted
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liriope (6), hosta (6), salvia (1), coneflower (1), day lilies (7), catmint (7), coral bells (10), caramel coral bells (2), vinca minor (24), blue hosta (1), coreopsis (3), salvia (3)
Yards compost spread
Yards mulch spread
The Watson and Bassett Greenspace is a welcoming sight to users of the Farmington Canal Trail. The area is a great space for trail users to relax, and many stop by and rest on the shady benches. There is also a pathway that connects Watson St. to the canal trail, running through the park. The group had a busy year this year, and while in previous years volunteer participation has been spotty, this summer much was accomplished with the help of a small but dedicated group. The group worked on maintaining the park, weeding, watering, and pruning some of the trees. Some perennials and shrubs were planted along the back and front fence in order to add some more color and flowering plants to the Greenspace. The big project in the park was a new path, which was put in to connect the old path with the benches, allowing people to get to the seating without walking on the grass. The group also worked to remediate lead in two front yards and may look to do more work in the future.