2012 Report for Yow Street Plant Brigade (Formerly: Young Street Plant Brigade)


Beaver Hills

Type of Site:



Osborn Ave. and Young St., New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9524396 41.3228782)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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five Kwanzan Cherries

Number of shrubs planted


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1 mountain laurel, 1 rosa rogusa, 1 andromeda

Number of perennials planted


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11 coral bells, 14 hostas, 6 black-eyed susans, 3 white Echinacea, 9 nepota, 1 vinca, 3 pachysandra

Yards compost spread


Yards mulch spread



In their third year of work, this group was down to three core members. Their goal was to increase membership, to continue maintenance and clean-up work on their block, to engage young children in the community, and to make their block more attractive with new colorful plantings. The leaders met every Saturday for a maintenance walk around the block. This season included this group's largest tree planting event! Five Kwanzan cherry trees were donated by Oliver Nursery and planted along the cemetery on Osborn Street with the help of volunteers from a facility where Chris McDaniel is a mentor. Debby Kahan, a new group member, helped to raise participation by conducting lead testing and remediation in her yard. Citizen's Television came out to film the lead remediation event in her yard, and as a result, two more families on the block, each of them with two young children, had their soil tested. In total, 35&37 Young St (Nicole), 42 Young St (Susan Klein), and 39 Young St (Debby Kahan) had their soil tested and remediated, while 36 Young Street had their soil tested and is waiting for results. Each week, adults and children worked together to make their block safer, cleaner, and more beautiful, fulfilling all of URI's goals.

Other activity

26 contractor bags for lead soil removal, 10 tree stakes, 1 yd gravel and pea stone