2014 Report for Yow Street Plant Brigade (Formerly: Young Street Plant Brigade)


Beaver Hills

Type of Site:



Osborn Ave. and Young St., New Haven, CT, 06511

Coordinates for Map

POINT (-72.9524396 41.3228782)



Number of volunteers


Total volunteer hours


Number of events


Number of trees planted


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Pink Dogwood

Number of shrubs planted


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Rose, Inkberry, Azalea, Butterfly Bush

Number of perennials planted


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Catmint, Hosta, Cone Flowers, Coral Bells, Black-Eyed Susan, Coreopsis

Yards mulch spread



Although the group has worked for five years, the leaders of YOWW Street Plant Brigade, Susan Klein and Chris McDaniel, have kept an energetic and enthusiastic attitude towards the beautification and stewardship of their streetscape. The main goals of the group were to maintain and beautify projects that were created in pervious years, as well as increase participation from members of the community. YOWW Street Plant Brigade had a very successful summer maintaining trees planted in the previous four years, as well as creating new flowerbeds along Osborn Avenue. Not only did the group focus on the stewardship but they emphasized bringing new plant life to Osborn Avenue and also incorporated lead remediation into their summer work. This summer a front yard on Young Street was tested for lead and remediated with the help of the community members from Young Street. The yard was completed with a Pink Dogwood, a rose bush, inkberry, and azaleas. Through this year's lead remediation, two new families joined the group in hopes of also beautifying Whittlesey Avenue in the next year of work.