
Neighborhood: Beaver Hills

Type of Site: Streetscape Streetscape

Address: Blake Street, Whalley Avenue, and E. T. Grasso Boulevard, New Haven, CT, 06511


2010 Greenspace Report

The Blake and Whalley group has worked in the Greenspace Program for several years, and they've come together on numerous occasions to plant trees and to work in front yards together. This year they concentrated their efforts on stewardship and outreach. They worked hard to care for the trees and plants on the streetscape and to engage others in the neighborhood.

2010 Accomplishments

  • 5 perennials planted (2 Sedum telephium ('munstead red'), 1 catmint (nepeta), 2 daylilies)
  • 1.5 yards mulch spread
  • 6 events
  • 11 volunteers
  • 21 volunteer hours