Blake Street Pocket Park

Photo Gallery

Susan looking toward the Roundabout garden!
Susan guiding Rosey on where to weed!
Desirae joining us!
Susan and I at the end of the workday - path is becoming more clear!
Susan, Nia, and I at the end of the workday - in awe of how beautiful the park looked!
Nia working on the path, while Susan weeded!
Chris joins us and works on the path!
John shoveling mulch!

2023 Greenspace Report

Blake St Pocket Park is a lush, hidden gem in Beaver Hills. At its entrance, neighbors are immediately welcomed in by the murals, herb garden, and food pantry that Patrice and her family maintain. This year, we primarily worked on the stone dust pathway that winds through the front of the park and leads back to a lovely stone bench and open field at the rear of the park. Patrice and her family clearly love the park and their community, reflected by the high level of care that they put into maintaining this inviting space.

2023 Accomplishments

  • 5 events
  • 4 volunteers
  • 23 volunteer hours