Ivy Narrow (Emeritus)
Volunteer Leader(s):
Neighborhood: Newhallville
Type of Site: Vacant Lot
Address: 637 Dixwell Ave., New Haven, CT, 06511
2017 Greenspace Report
Ivy Narrow is one of the oldest Greenspace sites and once existed as an abandoned vacant lot before the Greenspace group led by Jeanette Thomas transformed the site into a beautiful space filled with native trees, shrubs, and perennials that attract many species of birds. This season there were two community workdays at Ivy Narrow Bird Sanctuary supervised by group leader Jeanette. At both events high school volunteers from Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative and Hopkins School helped to spread 2 and 3 cubic yards of pine mulch, respectively, along the outskirts of the lot space. The high school volunteers at both workdays also cleaned up trash, weeded invasive species, and pruned trees and shrubs within the site.
2017 Accomplishments
- 5.0 yards mulch spread
- 2 events
- 21 volunteers
- 66 volunteer hours