Westville (Barnett-Willard)

Neighborhood: Westville/Amity

Type of Site: Streetscape Streetscape

Address: 72 Barnett, New Haven, CT, 06515

2015 Greenspace Report

Westville is a high capacity group of volunteers that work around the area to improve streetscapes with vibrant plantings of diverse tree species. The Westville Greenspace group partnered with the Westville Village Renaissance Alliance to plant trees in the parking lot at the corner of Blake Street and Whalley Avenue. They also engaged community members around the Willard Street and Forest Road neighborhoods asking for street tree requests. The group was limited by the number of weeks it had to accomplish its goals; however, it successfully planted three trees: two along the street one in a parking lot. The group also pruned redbuds in the Westville shopping area that did not fair well last winter (these redbuds may not survive the next winter due to severe limb damage).

2015 Accomplishments

  • 3 trees planted (Serviceberry, Kwanzan Cherry, and Golden Rain Tree)
  • 12 perennials planted (Catmint, Echinacea (cone flower), and Shasta Daisy)
  • 0.5 yards mulch spread
  • 3 events
  • 12 volunteers
  • 23 volunteer hours