Camilla Ledezma

Camilla Ledezma's picture

URI Internship Year:


Graduation Year:




Camilla is 2024 Community Greenspace intern hailing from Providence, Rhode Island. She is a recent graduate of Yale College, where she majored in Environmental Studies and Psychology, with a certificate in Education Studies. Camilla is passionate about building community through land stewardship, so she is delighted to be spending the summer doing just this–working with dedicated community members, maintaining greenspaces, and getting to know New Haven’s neighborhoods. In her spare time, you may find Camilla climbing trees, picnicking, or playing card games.


Arch Street

Cedar Hill Neighborhood

Friends Of Farmington Canal

Friends of Kimberly Field

Oyster Point

Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Lenzi Park

Greenspace Log

Date Category Photos Group Summary



Oyster Point

Awesome turnout for our tree planting event this weekend! Our volunteers worked together to plant two full-sized trees at Bay View Park; one Blackgum and one Cornelian Cherry Dogwood. We worked as a team to get this done; great work all! Next week, we will be stewarding these and other trees at Bay View Park; please join us!



Friends of Kimberly Field

We accomplished a lot at this work session! Some volunteers planted and watered in the garden in the center strip, others removed an impressive amount of mugwort from the sides of the lot. Despite the heat, we managed to work as a team and transform the site in just one session! We are looking forward to planting more at Kimberly during our next workday; please join us on Saturday from 1-3pm!



Arch Street

Cindy and I did a lot of stewardship around the site on this workday! We weeded the middle area, pruned the shrubs and trees, picked up trash, and removed brush from the lot. We are looking forward to planting next week; please join us on Fridays from 4-6pm!



Cedar Hill Neighborhood

We had a great workday at Cedar Hill! We finished weeding, de-vining, and removing leaf litter from the Cedar Hill playground fenceline; we then mulched this area. Next, the group will be stewarding (weeding, planting, mulching) the median near East Rock Park. Please join us every Friday from 5:30-7pm to join in on this essential work!



Lenzi Park

The Lenzi team has done it again! On this workday, the group pruned back plant overgrowth, used a scuffle hoe to weed the park's winding stone dust path, and laid down grass seed on patches of bare earth in the park, spreading compost over the seeds and watering to ensure growth. These stewardship efforts are essential. Please join the Friends of Lenzi Park on Thursdays 5-7pm to contribute to their work!



Friends Of Farmington Canal

A great day planting at the Learning Corridor! We put in 7 new hostas with beautiful white flowers to fill in, or “hast-ify,” the areas under the trees, and we added three perennials—1 red coralbell, 1 lariope with purple flowers, and 1 golden coreopsis—to the triangle garden on the corner. We also did some stewardship these plantings, watering and mulching them so they can adapt well to their new home along the Farmington Canal. We’ll be adding more plant to the site during our next workday, so we’re looking to get all hands on deck. Join us, Thursdays 5:30-7pm!


Tom, Steve, and Murray remove invasives and cut back overgrowth in the beach area
Tom, Steve, and Murray remove invasives and cut back overgrowth in the beach area

Oyster Point

The group did great work at the Howard Avenue Beach today! We finished weeding the oasis area, removed invasive mugwort and other weeds on the beach, cut back overgrowth on the shrubs by the sidewalk, and put down mulch in the oasis. Next week, we will be planting hostas in the curb strip. All are welcome to join.


Volunteers weeding central area of Kimberly lot
Volunteers weeding central area of Kimberly lot

Friends of Kimberly Field

This Saturday we weeded and mulched the center area and curb strip in front of the Kimberly Ave lot. This coming week we will continue maintenance work and plant some perennials. Please join us at Kimberly on Saturday 1-3pm!


Raking leaf litter outside Cedar Hill playground

Cedar Hill Neighborhood

Though we had to put a pause on work due to the approaching storm, we had the opportunity to hand out flyers, rake up leaf litter, and weed along the fenceline around the Cedar Hill playground. This maintenance work is essential to making sure our Parks are inviting and welcoming to visitors.



Oyster Point

Another great day at the Howard Avenue Beach! Today, we prepared the curb strip across the Beach Oasis for planting by removing grass and weeds. We then planted hostas along the border of the area! Following our planting, we watered the plants and mulched the area. We spent the rest of our time at Bay View park, assessing the area for next week, as we will be planting two trees there. We'd love all the help we can get for our upcoming tree planting day. You're invited - please join us!



Friends Of Farmington Canal

We accomplished a lot at the Learning Corridor today, weeding and mulching all planted areas across from the Oasis! Next week we will be planting perennials to supplement existing plantings along the pillar and Triangle. Please join us, Thursdays 5:30-7pm!


Jenny prepares to plant!
Jenny prepares to plant!

Lenzi Park

This week, the group of volunteers planted 2 Rocket Ligularias, cleaned up the daffodil greenery along the fenceline, and watered the trees and perennials. As always, volunteers are welcome to join every Thursday, 5-7pm.


Group leader Cindy cutting down overgrowth in the center of the Arch Street lot
Group leader Cindy cutting down overgrowth in the center of the Arch Street lot

Arch Street

Cindy and I met to discuss goals for this summer on Arch Street. We also did some light maintenance work (pruning). Goals include improving sight lines in the park, fixing infrastructure, planting flowers, and hosting an end-of-season gathering on our last workday. We will be working at these goals throughout the summer, on Fridays from 4-6pm. Please join us!



Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Such an uplifting workday in Fair Haven! Despite the heat, we conducted essential stewardship work on the Wolcott Street trees, watering them with the invaluable help of a few neighbors, and spreading mulch around them. Neighbors would often come out to help as we worked by the tree outside their home, creating a real sense of community. What a great session! We encourage interested volunteers to join us, Tuesdays 5-7pm.


Carlos canvassing at one of his neighbor's homes
Carlos canvassing

Friends of Kimberly Field

Carlos and I canvassed along Kimberly Avenue, inviting community members to join us at the park for our upcoming workdays. Please come by the Kimberly lot on Saturdays from 1-3pm to help us beautify the space!



Lenzi Park

In group leader Jenny Berkett's words, this workday was "an excellent session, with a lot being accomplished." The volunteers, removed weeds, spread mulch, and tackled the Japanese anemone overgrowth in the garden beds on Jefferson Street. Great work!



Friends Of Farmington Canal

A great workday at the Learning Corridor! The youth and I removed invasive weeds from the Urban Oasis area, continued maintenance on the pillar and Triangle areas, and paused our work for a poison ivy ID tutorial. We will be continuing our work next week as we gear up to plant native perennials in the space!


Kimberly Ave lot
Kimberly Ave lot

Friends of Kimberly Field

Carlos and I met to discuss the group’s goals for the season, including stewardship work on existing plantings, vine and weed removal, and flower planting. Workdays will begin this Saturday from 1-3pm. We will meet at the site, the vacant lot beside 178 Kimberly Ave. Please join us!



Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Ed, Tashi, and I engaged in stewardship work along Exchange Street, Poplar Street, and Wolcott Street. We weeded and mulched around recently planted trees and pruned trees blocking sight lines along the sidewalk. Please join us on Tuesdays from 5-7pm outside 174 Exchange Street!



Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Another excellent workday in Fair Haven! Today, we continued our tree maintenance work along Exchange, Poplar, and Wolcott Street, pruning dead branches, removing weeds from the areas under trees, and spreading mulch. We discussed pervasive issues in the neighborhood (e.g. dumping) and how, despite these, Ed's work makes a difference in the neighborhood, providing shade and beauty essential to a livable environment. You're invited to undertake this work with us, every Tuesday 5-7pm.


Murray removes weeds from the Beach Oasis area
Murray removes weeds from the Beach Oasis area

Oyster Point

Murray and I removed weeds and invasives from the Howard Avenue Beach Oasis. We discussed the rest of the season, including the possibility of planting perennials in the curb strip near the oasis. We are looking forward to further beautifying the space in the coming weeks!



Lenzi Park

The group undertook some important maintenance work at the park this week, removing weeds, sweeping, thinning the Japanese anemones in the Jefferson Street garden beds, and straightening the bricks surrounding the trees. This work is what keeps our parks looking beautiful and inviting! Please join the group at Lenzi park every Thursday from 5-7pm; all are welcome.



Friends Of Farmington Canal

We began important maintenance work on the Farmington Canal Greenway today! We unloaded mulch and removed weeds from the Triangle area by the road. We look forward to continuing this work on upcoming workdays, every Thursday 5-7pm.



Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

On this workday, we spent half our time picking up trash and removing weeds on Exchange Street, and half our time continuing our canvassing efforts in the neighborhood, looking for potential tree adopters. This is important work for Fair Haven, a historically redlined neighborhood, and we need all the volunteers we can get! Please join us on Tuesdays 5-7pm.



Oyster Point

Steve, Micha, Lily, and I canvassed throughout the neighborhood, handing out flyers about our upcoming workdays. We will be meeting every Saturday from 10am-12pm at the Howard Avenue Beach. We're looking forward to the summer – we will be maintaining our Greenspaces and planting new trees. All are invited to join!


Cedar Hill signboard with flyer

Cedar Hill Neighborhood

Ms. Betty Thompson, Kenya, and I met to discuss the Cedar Hill Neighborhood's goals for the season. We will be meeting on Fridays from 5:30-7pm to maintain existing Greenspaces in the neighborhood – the Cedar Hill playground, the median close to the playground, the area under Rebecca's tree, among others. Any and all volunteers are welcome. We are looking forward to a great summer!



Lenzi Park

The start of the season at Lenzi Park is all about stewardship! There are many beautiful existing plantings and infrastructure that need to be maintained; the group did just this on this workday, weeding the path and the garden beds, thinning Japanese anemones, and sweeping the sidewalk. They look forward to welcoming more volunteers throughout the season, on Thursdays from 5-7pm. All are welcome.


CPEN birding event
CPEN birding event

Friends Of Farmington Canal

Doreen and I met to do a walkabout of the site and make a plan for our work on the Learning Corridor this summer. We will be focused on revitalizing the native plant Urban Oasis, maintaining and planting perennials in the pillar areas by the Canal, stewarding the plantings under the trees, and planting shrubs by the fenceline. Our work is closely tied to the work of Doreen's non-profit, the Community Placemaking and Engagement Network (CPEN), which employs and provides educational experiences to youth in the neighborhood. After our meeting, in fact, CPEN organizers had put together a birding tutorial for the community (see photo), which was lots of fun to partake in! We are looking forward to a great summer at the Learning Corridor. Please join us on Thursdays from 5:30-7pm!



Fair Haven Neighbors In Action

Ed and I met to canvass in his Fair Haven neighborhood, speaking with community members about the possibility of planting street trees outside their homes. Ed is a leader in the community, having planted over 90 trees over his tenure with URI. This is his last season as a Greenspace leader. We are grateful for Ed's leadership and are looking forward to a great season! Please join us on Tuesdays 5-7pm to help plant and maintain trees in the neighborhood.



Oyster Point

Steve, Lily and I met to formulate plans for stewarding the Oyster Point Greenspace this summer. We walked through the beach area, Bay View Park, and Triangle Park. We discussed Steve's vision for maintaining the beach, clearing weeds and pruning trees at Bay View, and planting two trees this summer. We scheduled our first group meeting for June 8, where we will be meeting at the Howard Avenue Beach to begin maintenance (e.g. weeding) on the area. All are welcome!



Lenzi Park

Jenny and I met to discuss the group's plans for Lenzi Park this season, which include maintaining the park's beautiful perennial gardens by removing weeds and mulching, maintaining the stone dust path, and planting new perennials in shady areas. Volunteers are welcome to join the group every Thursday from 5-7pm!