Miche Palmer
URI Internship Year:
Graduation Year:
YSE grad (MEM '17) and former URI intern, Miche Palmer is thrilled to join the URI team as the Program Manager for GreenSkills. Miche returns to Yale after working as a Street Tree Planting Forester in New York City. Some of their favorite moments there included planting in front of iconic locations in Manhattan such as the Stonewall Inn, responding to downed trees after storm Isaías, instructing pruning classes, and collaborating with constituents. Miche also brings their experience growing San Francisco’s urban forest through planting, pruning, and education. Miche is thoroughly looking forward to reconnecting with the New Haven community!
Westville Roundabout - The Roundabout Gardeners
Greenspace Log
Date | Category | Photos | Group | Summary | |
08/10/2017 |
For the last day, the team planted three Catmint and one Tiarella, watered all the plants, and cleaned up the park. What a great summer! Look for a mini-library next summer! |
08/09/2017 |
What a way to end the summer for this group. The Newhallville Ambassadors Youth Crew did a phenomenal job planting a Tilia cordata 'green spire', Little Leaf Linden tree in front of the senior center. They helped Ms Louise weed out the square in front and planted some Agastache. They also watered and mulched the whole area. La Tanya and her girls, Layla and Tianni were a big help, as was Ms. Dorthea. Ms. Louise baked some delicious brownies to celebrate! Thanks to Cindy and Matt for appearing just in time to help set up a shade tent for the team. After the volunteers left, Ms Louise and I took an inventory of the plants we planted and dreamed up some plans for the future, including a magenta knock out rose. A huge thanks to Ms. Louise for all her hard work, dedication, and knowledge sharing this summer. What an inspiration! |
08/07/2017 |
This was our final day of the summer, and the group went out strong. They finished planting the perennials and shrubs in the Oasis, completed the dust path, and added another yard of mulch to the oasis. We ended the day with a pizza party and appreciations to all. The group plans to keep meeting this summer to water and steward the site! |
08/05/2017 |
The Common Ground Youth put the final touches on the park for this year, weeding, removing dead trees/branches, and getting rid of the trash. Evelyn made an appearance and conversed with the youth, letting them know how much their work is appreciated. Abdias and Javier will be back to finish painting and mowing. Best of luck to Arch street park! |
08/05/2017 |
Denise and Chris finished up the roundabout this Saturday by mulching the surrounding plantings. We did some pruning and planted 3 catmints also. The group plans to continue meeting to steward the site for the rest of the summer! |
08/03/2017 |
Today Mr Scott and I touched up the paint on the fence, drilled a new sign reminding people to pick up after their dogs, raked up leaves that had fallen, and watered. Mr Scott had mowed the grass before the workday started, which made it look extra good. |
08/01/2017 |
Tonight Tanya hosted a cook-out to celebrate all of the hard work that took place at the park this summer. She cooked up some delicious food, including grilled eggplant. It was a nice chance to chat with one another, to reflect, and to think about the future. Nina, Tanya, and I walked through the park to record the plants we planted and to set goals for next summer. As we surveyed the plants, a beautiful Monarch butterfly joined us! Next summer they plan to fix the fence, perhaps with a mural design contest. Rich and his youth will continue working Tuesday nights with Nina until school starts. They have a plan to water and to create a brick border (with 50 bricks). All in all this was a fun project which wouldn't have been possible without all of the neighbors pitching in from once to a few times, to every week. I know I will personally miss this group a ton! |
07/29/2017 |
The team added a peastone ring around the round about which serves as a snow shelf, rain filter, and border. We added one spirea, and only have to add 2 more catmint to complete the planting. Chris, Denise, and Dave were a great team! We'll touch up next Saturday with some mulch in all areas. Almost complete! |
07/29/2017 |
The Common Ground team, along with Javier, and Abdias, sanded and painted the iconic Arch street fence today, giving it a coat of blue, bordering on teal. Mr. Sherman, neighbor age 86 commented, "This looks great. We've been wanting to get it repainted for four years now." The fence painting is almost complete, with just the upper-most part still unfinished, in spite of Javier and Abdias working overtime on it. The next painting party will coincide with the second "One Love One Hill" fish fry, Saturday August 5th, 2-4pm. We are planning to bring out the brushes and rollers again, and finish dressing up the path with pea stone. |
07/27/2017 |
This Thursday night team was energetic and hard working. They added lots of mulch to the Oasis, planted some native shrubs, and watered. Its starting to look great! |
07/27/2017 |
Today was a painting and watering day. LaTanya brought a crew of kids to paint. They decided on a pattern of pink, purple, and yellow. They did a great job working together. By then end of the day, everyone was paint-covered, and so was the fence. |
07/26/2017 |
The youth from the Newhallville Ambassadors were here today. They dug a hole for the tree they will plant next week, planted some bright perennials, mulched and watered. What a phenomenal crew! Ms. Dorthea, Ms. Louise, Ms. Latanya, and Miss Layla showed everyone how to get the work done. Thanks to Ms Linda for bringing her team and for being such a help! |
07/26/2017 |
We planted new hostas around our Dogwood tree and touched up one of the rows of perennials with a couple of lambs ears. The kids weeded and raked the paths. They also watered the plants extensively, and of course, made sure to water themselves as well. |
07/25/2017 |
Today the team mulched, dug holes in preparation for planting tomorrow, and watered. The mulch will protect the plants in the circle. We also had some fun looking for worms! |
07/25/2017 |
With the hardscape mostly in place, it was time to plant. We cluster planted Spirea, Inkberry, Catmint, and Potentilla. The roundabout is coming to life! |
07/22/2017 |
Today was the annual fish fry in Arch street park, run by a group called One Love One Hill. Cindy's Common Ground Youth crew made the park look superb for the party and were fueled by the DJ spinning tunes to warm up the speakers. The youth weeded the beds and spread a yard of mulch and a half a yard of pea stone. They did a great job in spite of the challenge of working during the start of a party. |
07/22/2017 |
Today the hard scape went in! Denise, Chloe, and I carved out the paths and filled them up with pea stone. It is amazing to see what was just a sketch on paper come to life! We mapped out where the shrubs will go, and of course gave all the existing plants a good soak. |
07/20/2017 |
Leila and Mr. Scott watered all the plants before diving in to our fence remodeling project. The fence bordering the lot was in need of repair and a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Scott removed the rotting wood and replaced the broken pickets with new ones. The kids from the neighborhood stopped by to help hammer, which turned into quite the team effort. Leila and LaTanya did an excellent job painting the fence bright yellow. We will need another can of paint to finish it, but it is looking good so far. |
07/20/2017 |
The youth team from Common Ground and the youth from Newhallville did an outstanding job mulching, fixing the jogging path, and weeding. They added one yard of mulch to the Oasis, almost finished the elusive jogging path, and pulled countless weeds. Other friends included Aaron, the awesome weed remover, Elias the expert pine tree pruner, wonderful waterer Jamal, and super supervisor Cindy. Go team! |
07/18/2017 |
Today we did a lead remediation project on one of our dedicated volunteer's front yards. We applied pea stone and planted shrubs (boxwood and euonymus) and a couple of day lilies for a splash of color. We were happy to help out our friend Rich, who does so much for the community. Now he can be proud of his front yard too. |
07/13/2017 |
Mr. Scott, LaTanya, and little Leila did some maintenance and planted some beautiful echinacea plants and a couple of shade loving shrubs. The last plant was barely in the ground when a thunderstorm began, giving the new plants plenty of rain water. Additionally, the three kids who planted the lilies the week before stopped by to say hello to their plant friends! |
07/12/2017 |
Today was a mulching day! Sam, Tanya, and young Tamar worked hard to mulch the garden today and to add some rock dust to the path. Thanks to special guest intern, Jeremy, for helping out! |
07/12/2017 |
Today a determined team dug through the rocky soil to triumph in a planting a beautiful Dogwood tree. Some special guests came over to help, watch, and cheer on the team. Everyone did their part and had fun in the process. Time to grow, Dogwood! |
07/11/2017 |
The first planting on the Roundabout! An Amelanchier tree... AKA service berry/ shadbush/ shadblow/ June berry. Denise, Chloe, and Chris planted the centerpiece. It will look phenomenal throughout the year...this one is a showstopper, so it will surely be a traffic calmer. |
07/01/2017 |
Denise added the final layer of mulch to the circle, and touched up one of the side plantings. Chris and Denise planted catmint (Nepeta), Mexican Hyssop (Agastache mexicana), and Coreopsis in one of the sidewalk installations. They were a great team, digging holes for the plants and putting them in the ground. |
07/01/2017 |
Today was a mulching and weeding day! Looks better than before! |
06/29/2017 |
Mr Scott and LaTanya had three great helpers today. LaTanya planted a new Hukera, Mr. Scott watered, and the kids each transplanted a Day Lilly. The kids were expert planters! We also held a funeral for a bird who will add nutrients to our plants. |
06/29/2017 |
A great group of teens showed up today to work on the Oasis. They weeded, watered, planted, improved the jogging path, and taught one another. Stellar job! |
06/28/2017 |
Today we worked on updating the tree basins by weeding them out and planting daylilies. We also planted two new Knockout Roses and soft Artemesia. Ms Louise had a team from the senior center, including Ms. Dorothea, Ms. Marjorie, and Ms. Mamie, and LaTanya and her daughter from down the street. What a great team effort on digging, planting, and watering! |
06/28/2017 |
Ms Grace and her daughters, Ms Gloria, Tanya, Brian, and Nina planted some Spirea and Coreopsis. The little girls were super at watering and weeding, too! |
06/27/2017 |
Today everyone did a great job mulching. Everyone had a role, from shoveling, to rolling the wheel barrow, to spreading and raking. It looks great! |
06/27/2017 |
Today Denise and Chris did an excellent job mulching, amending soil, and weeding. The circle and adjacent plantings look fabulous. |
06/24/2017 |
Today Javier, Mr. Miguel from next door, Abdias and I created sight lines into the park. We spread mulch, trimmed, and hauled a lot of brush. |
06/24/2017 |
In between the torrents of rain, 2 yards of topsoil and a yard of mulch were spread to cover the roundabout. This was a critical step in the process, though not an easy task. Great job, Denise and Dave! |
06/22/2017 |
LaTanya and Mr. Scott and I planted a second rose and one cat mint plant. We mulched, water, weeded, and planned out a vision for the rest of the summer. |
06/22/2017 |
Tonight a crew of young men from the neighborhood, cyclist Melinda, former URI site manager Elias and Elia's colleague Cindy came out to volunteer along side of the regular team of Doreen, Jamal, and Aaron. With the sizable group of driven volunteers, we were able to accomplish a lot, including weeding, mulching, watering, and planting. The triangle and the pillars are now complete! Most of the weeds are now out of the Oasis and the tree basins, too! Special thanks to Jamal for showing the new guys the ropes! |
06/21/2017 |
The team followed up on the work the teens did on Tuesday night, and planted hostas and lillies. They applied mulch, watered everything, and still had time to look for worms. |
06/20/2017 |
Today LaTanya and I walked around the neighborhood flyering and talking to people about the Daisy street work days. |
06/20/2017 |
Tonight the team worked on preparing the site for planting. They added topsoil, cultivated the soil, and dug the holes for the plants. Great job shoveling! |
06/15/2017 |
LaTanya, her two girls, and Mr. Scott focused on the front corner of the park at Watson at Bassett. We removed dead leaves and vines, and cleared out a spot for a Knock Out Rose. LaTanya's younger daughter did a great job amending the soil with compost and her older daughter did an excellent job planting the rose shrub. They also were a great team in transplanting and watering some daylilies. Additionally, we gave the perennials we planted last week a good soaking. |
06/15/2017 |
Jamal, Doreen, Aaron, Cindy and I worked on the pillars, the triangle, and the side of the street by the store. For the pillars, Jamal dug out any existing perennials and replaced them with Weigela ‘wine and roses’ shrubs. He amended the soil with compost, mulched, and watered. On the other side of the pillars, he re-planted a row of day lilies. Cindy worked on planting purple and white sage and Veronica Speedwell in the triangle. She added mulch, compost, and water. Across the street from the park next to the store, Aaron removed weeds, while Doreen planted yucca and liriope muscari. Cindy helped water and mulch that area too. |
06/14/2017 |
This week we planted 8 hostas along the border by the path, put in a redbud tree in the circle, and planted a Japanese Holly shrub. The 4 teen boys were a huge help with the tree, and the two little kids TyArie and Tylaun were great perennial planters! |
06/14/2017 |
Ms. Louise and I planted two Inkberry shrubs and a Japanese Holly shrub along the fence to add some evergreen to the perennial mix. Also planted 2 Knock out roses. Ms Maime came out to help for the first time...she did a great job watering! |
06/13/2017 |
This day was not for the faint of heart. We ripped out old invasive plants, from dead Juniper to persistent little nutsedge. We raked out all the dead leaves, found plenty of trash, and generally created a clean slate for our project. |
06/10/2017 |
URI intern Cindy, group leader Abdias, Abdias’ nephew Leo, Dewayne from One Love One Hill, and I cleaned up the path, by hoeing, weeding, and trimming the shrubs. We prepared the circle by weeding, planting an alternating pattern of 6 liriope, 5 Russian sages, and one boxwood in the middle. |
06/08/2017 |
Today was the first day of URI's summer 2017 involvement with the Learning Corridor. We removed dead plants and weeds, planted Weigela shrubs along the north pillar entrance, unearthed buried stones for the border of the corner, and planted some perennials! |
06/08/2017 |
LaTanya and Mr. Scott did some stewardship and planting. Mr. Scott had already cleaned up the site before we started, so it already looked great. LaTanya prune and clipped back the shrubs, and planted a white and green Euonymus fortunei and one Weigela. We added stone dust to the path and watered. Mr. Scott showed us some old photos of Watson and Bassett Greenspace volunteers! |
06/07/2017 |
Ms. Louise and Ms Latanya worked together to weed out the garden and to plant 6 pale green hostas, 3 bee balm, 4 white anemone, and 8 blue phlox. We also trimmed a vine that was choking a tree...what a difference! |
06/07/2017 |
We had three all star kids planting in the North East corner of the lot. They remembered how to plant from the week before! They planted yellow and white variegated Euonymus. Three teens had prepped the bed the day before, so the digging was just right for the younger kids. The rest of the time was dedicated to pulling out weeds and trimming up the tree in the North West corner. |
06/03/2017 |
This week Abdias and Evelyn met to plan, flyered, and talked to all the neighbors on Arch street to let everyone know we are working again! We weeded the path also. |
05/31/2017 |
This was the first work day of the summer. We weeded, raked out dead leaves, dug out dead plants, and moved stones. The kids came out to plant bee balm in the center circle. They all helped each other learn to plant and water. When the work was done for the day, the kids went searching for worms! |