Jonathan Rigby
URI Internship Year:
Graduation Year:
Jonathan is an incoming joint degree student at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science and the Yale Divinity School. He graduated from The College of William and Mary in 2016, after which he participated in a year of service in North Carolina through the Episcopal Service Corps. In that role he worked in farm advocacy with the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA. His interests lie in the impacts of climate change on communities and the societal implications of environmental science.
This summer Jonathan will be working as a URI intern with communities in New Haven, assisting them in achieving their goals surrounding green space in their neighborhood, as well as providing technical assistance. He is excited to engage in this community work before starting at the Divinity School in August 2018.
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Greenspace Log
Date | Category | Photos | Group | Summary | |
08/07/2018 |
This week Watson and Bassett met for the last URI work day. We planted a yellow magnolia tree near the farmington canal, raked and watered, and spread grass seed throughout the site |
08/04/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
This was the final URI work day with the Victims of Gun Violence Greenspace group. We spread grass seed, planted 7 pow pow pink coneflowers, 3 variegated hostas, 3 mouse ear hostas, 2 plantain lillies(hostas) and 7 coral bells. We also laid down 1 yard of topsoil to the back of the oak tree before being rained out. |
08/02/2018 |
Jerry and the I met on the last URI work day to perform some maintenance on the front beds near the street to the north of Lenzi Park. We swept and raked out the beds. We also removed the rain barrel from behind the bushes. |
08/02/2018 |
This past work day was the final URI work day with Friends of East Rock Park. We came together and planted 2 more gro low sumacs beside the stairway near rice field, as well as planted 36 shoots of Vinca near the lower part of the stairway. We also pruned back trees along the upper path near the street. |
08/01/2018 |
Today was the final word day for the Friends of Dover Beach Greenspace group. We worked in the fenced off Urban Oasis area, planting two purple ninebark shrubs and spreading 1.5 yards of pine mulch. |
07/31/2018 |
This was the final work day for the Blockwatch 303 Greenspace group. We spread 1 yard of pine mulch over the site , and moved the bayberry from the Chris Engstrom Memorial Garden space to the other corner of the parking lot, near the two previously URI planted dogwood trees. |
07/28/2018 |
This week the Watson and Bassett Greenspace group came together to plant a Serviceberry tree near the Farmington Canal and remove some brush that was cut down by Jerome earlier this week. |
07/28/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
The Victims of Gun Violence Greenspace group planted 1 dogwood tree and continued clearing and weeding the area to the right of the telephone pole. We were able to clear all of it thanks to the large amount of community members that came out. |
07/28/2018 |
This week the Watson and Bassett Greenspace group came together to plant a Serviceberry tree near the Farmington Canal and remove some brush that was cut down by Jerome earlier this week. |
07/27/2018 |
This week the Dover Beach Greenspace group worked in the butterfly garden near the playground at Dover Beach Park. Community members came out and we planted a beautiful Crabapple tree and pruned the mulberry tree growing at the garden. |
07/26/2018 |
This week Friends of East Rock Park joined Friends of Edgewood Park to plant 3 trees at Edgewood Park |
07/26/2018 |
This week Friends of Lenzi Park met to spread 3 yards of stonedust on the path that runs through the site that had previously been cleared of a top layer of peastone. |
07/24/2018 |
This week the Blockwatch 303 greenspace group met to plant in the Chris Engstrom Memorial Garden space in the parking lot. We planted 1 catmint, 3 blazing stars, 1 juniper bush, and 1 bayberry bush. |
07/21/2018 |
This week the Watson and Bassett Greenspace group met to trim up the trees that hang over the site. We cut back the trees with pruning tools as the kids watered the area. A community member named Jerome came by and said that he could limb up some of the higher trees with some tools he had later in the week. |
07/21/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
This week the Victims of Gun Violence greenspace group was joined by a group of local firefighters who helped plant 1 eastern redbud tree, 4 candy-cane phlox, and 5 Guacamole hostas. We finished off the planting by covering the area with 1 yard of mulch to create a bed and sprayed down the area with a firemans hose |
07/19/2018 |
This week Friends of Lenzi Park met to plant 3 lady's mantle, 3 hostas, and 1 coral bells in the garden beds along the road to the north of Lenzi Park. |
07/19/2018 |
This week Friends of East Rock Park met to continue work on the stairway near Rice Field. We planted to the right of the stairway as you walk up the stairway. We planted 1 Yuka plant, 1 variegated dogwood bush, and 1 gro low sumac. |
07/18/2018 |
This week Friends of Dover Beach Park spread 1.5 yards of mulch in the fenced off Urban Oasis area south of the bridge, and also performed weeding and maintenance on the Urban Oasis space. |
07/14/2018 |
This week the Watson and Bassett Greenspace group met to plant and care for the greenspace. We removed the burning bush from the back of the site. We then planted 2 blue holly bushes in it's place. We also planted 3 catmint in the front planter box of the site, and 1 variegated hosta in the back area of the site. |
07/14/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
This week the Victims of Gun Violence group met to plant trees and perennials on the path leading up to the future Victims of Gun Violence memorial site. They planted one Stella Dogwood tree, 5 black eye susans, and 7 variegated liriope. |
07/13/2018 |
This week the Blockwatch 303 Greenspace group I delivered 1.5 yards of mulch to the Mitchell library site. |
07/12/2018 |
This week Friends of Lenzi Park met to weed and clear the back area of the lenzi park site, near the compost bins. We cut back and lowered the bushes in that area such that it could be seen from the street. |
07/12/2018 |
This week with friends of Eat Rock Park we met for our first URI work day to clear out the area along a path near Rice field. The Youth at Work members worked on an area around three benches down the path while three community members worked at the base of a stairway that was recently put in |
07/11/2018 |
This week members of Friends of Lenzi Park met to flyer and perform outreach in the Wooster Square neighborhood area surrounding Lenzi Park. |
07/11/2018 |
The Blockwatch 303 group met to plant in the parking lot greenspace at the corner of Blake and Whalley. We planted 3 meadow sage, 2 catmint plants, and 2 pow pow coneflowers, and dug and placed wooden cookies to create a path through the space. |
07/11/2018 |
This week Friends of Dover Beach met and planted four coneflower plants at the butterfly garden near the Dover Beach playground. 2 neighborhood kids saw what we were doing and joined in on the planting. |
07/10/2018 |
Latanya and the URI intern met to flyer around the Watson and Bassett neighborhood on Tuesday for the upcoming planting work day on Saturday |
06/30/2018 |
This week Blockwatch 303 met for the first planning meeting for the Chris Engstrom memorial garden. We discussed plants and ideas and then walked around the space. |
06/30/2018 |
This week Friends of Lenzi Park met to plant and weed the park. They planted 5 black eye susans and received 3 yards of mulch to spread throughout the park this season. |
06/30/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
This week the Victims of Gun Violence group met for the first work day to clean up the area along the walk to the future Victims of Gun Violence memorial site. We cleared out weeds and trash and prepared the soil for planting next week. |
06/29/2018 |
This week the Blockwatch 303 group met to spread 1.5 yards of mulch around the front plant beds of the Mitchell Library. |
06/27/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
Marlene and the URI inter knocked on doors and flyered around the neighborhood surrounding the Valley St. future memorial to victims of gun violence site. We invited community members to join us and let them know about the memorial. |
06/27/2018 |
This week at Dover Beach park we met to clean the Urban Oasis site on the corner of Middletown Ave and Front St. We planted 7 perennials. |
06/26/2018 |
This week Susan McCaslin and the URI intern met to flyer and door knock around the neighborhood of the future Chris Engrstrom memorial garden site. |
06/23/2018 |
This week at the Watson and Basset Greenspace we planted 6 Coral Bells and 3 Hosta plants in the back area of the Greenspace. |
06/21/2018 |
This week at Lenzi Park a group from the nonprofit Emerge came out and helped remove the top layer of the main gravel path that moves through the park, in the hopes to cut down on weeds on the path in the future |
06/20/2018 |
This week the Friends of Dover Beach group met to spread mulch and weed the butterfly garden near the playground |
06/16/2018 |
This week the Watson and Bassett Greenspace saw a lot of mulching and weeding done. We spent time in the front beds pulling weeds, and then laid out mulch on those and the beds around the monument. |
06/14/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
The Victims of Gun Violence group met with community members, a New Haven parks department representative, and Svigals and Partners to discuss plans for the upcoming Victims of Gun Violence Memorial. Community input was gathered and the hopes of people for the site were synthesized to make the project a community effort. |
06/14/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
The Victims of Gun Violence group met with community members, a New Haven parks department representative, and Svigals and Partners to discuss plans for the upcoming Victims of Gun Violence Memorial. Community input was gathered and the hopes of people for the site were synthesized to make the project a community effort. |
06/14/2018 |
This week with Friends of Lenzi Park we trimmed a cedar tree that was not doing too well, and planned for a delivery of stonedust next week. |
06/13/2018 |
Latanya and I spent the morning flyering door to door in the Watson and Bassett neighborhood to try to bring out more neighbors for our Saturday 10am workday. We also put up signs to direct people to the site for this coming Saturday. |
06/13/2018 |
This week the Friends of Dover Beach group weeded and cleaned up the Urban Oasis at Dover Beach. |
06/09/2018 |
The group leader for Friends of East Rock Park and I met this past Saturday. We walked around and observed previous URI project sites, and talked about the potential to restore them, as well as saw a newly made pathway and step area near Rice field. |
06/07/2018 |
Blockwatch 303 get together to receive a delivery of mulch to be used at the Mitchell Library site. They also brainstormed planting ideas and the design of a memorial greenspace in a nearby parking lot. |
06/07/2018 |
The Lenzi Park Group met to brainstorm plans for the gravel walkway, and weeded around trees and a flower bed. |
06/06/2018 |
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence |
The Victims of Gun Violence Group and Svigals and Partners met to discuss plans for the upcoming community meeting surrounding the memorial reflection garden. |
06/06/2018 |
Watson and Bassett group came together today, raked leaves and cleaned up the Watson and Bassett Greenspace. |
06/05/2018 |
The Friends of Dover Beach performed maintenance on the corner butterfly garden. We removed weeds which brightened up the area greatly. We also performed some invasive removal in the green space south of the bridge. |
06/05/2018 |
The Lenzi Park group met to discuss plans for Lenzi Park this upcoming summer season. These plans included updating the gravel pathway, which has become inundated with weeds, maintenance and weeding, and planting ideas. |
06/05/2018 |
The Lenzi Park group met to discuss plans for Lenzi Park this upcoming summer season. These plans included updating the gravel pathway, which has become inundated with weeds, maintenance and weeding, and planting ideas. |
05/31/2018 |
Bob and Kate gave me a tour around the Mitchell Library and other sites Blockwatch 303 have created and managed, and we discussed their goals for this summer and different aspects of the site. |