Scantlebury Park

Photo Gallery

2024 Greenspace Report

The Friends of Scantlebury Park have been faithful stewards of this park for the past 20-30 years, since the beginning of its development, and URI has been such an important partner in this process. Stemming from the group’s deep love for their community and desire to see both kids and adults enjoying time outdoors, and having opportunities to connect with nature and each other. The park has become a staple for the community and is always bustling with visitors. So much incredible work has been done in this park over the years, and this year the group continued to steward and maintain the park. Some of the work that has been done this summer includes: planting a wildflower garden, mulching plants to prevent mowing, and tree pruning to increase safety for park visitors.

2024 Accomplishments

  • 1 perennials planted (One Native wildflower seed mix)
  • 0.5 yards mulch spread
  • 3 events
  • 4 volunteers
  • 17 volunteer hours