Originally from Lancaster County, PA, Leah is no stranger to the hard work of stewarding green spaces. At Yale, Leah just completed her first year at the Divinity School, where she is studying towards a Master of Arts in Religion, concentrated in Religion and Ecology. She also spent this past academic year as a URI Greenskills intern, helping to facilitate street tree planting across all of New Haven. With an academic background in Spanish and Linguistics and a professional background in programming working against gender-based violence in Latin America and the Caribbean, Leah is excited to continue exploring how language and gender contribute to the construction of places.
The Cedar Hill Greenspace worked to finish mulching around the bed at Rice Field and then worked to pick up trash along the path towards East Rock Park.
One volunteer plus the community forester intern worked to remove a dead tree planted a few years ago by this group and to mulch around recently pruned trees on Exchange Street.
Volunteers worked to finish mulching and edging the bed at Rock and Grace. They additionally planted 3 hostas to fill in bare spots and pruned some of the suckers of the street trees near the corner bed.
Volunteers worked to plant at each of the pillars. Additionally, some worked north of the Learning Corridor to continue cleanup from Isaias a few weeks ago. They also laid stone dust and cobble stones around the Urban Oasis sign.
The Friends of Beaver Ponds Park gathered to continue their work at the entrance of the park along Fournier Street. While continuing their usual weeding and mulching, this week they additionally cleared the vines and weeds around the two stone benches along Crescent Street.
Today marked the planting of some new shrubs and perennials along the Urban Oasis of the Learning Corridor. New shrubs fill the space behind the bench, providing berries for the birds and year-round green interest.
Volunteers from Orchard Street worked on continue weeding and mulching the beds along the front half of the vacant lot. They also cleaned up leaves and debris from around the lot.
Volunteers learn to identify and remove porcelain berry
The Friends of Beaver Pond Park met this Wednesday with a key objective to begin removing porcelain berry vines, an invasive species that grows fast and covers many of the native trees, shrubs, and perennials if it is not pulled out. They removed vines from beside the path that leads to Crescent Street, in addition to their usual work of spreading wood chips, clearing out along the pondside garden, and watering the different gardens around the park.
The Shelton Avenue Greenspace was excited to conduct their first tree planting this summer in the curb strip in front of the vacant lot. The site now features a lovely serviceberry that is surrounded by perennials, brightening up the street and inviting neighbors in to visit the lot.
Freshly mulched island along English DriveMulched bed by the playground on View Street
One volunteer joined the community forester intern to prune and weed around some of the trees the Fair Haven Neighbors in Action had planted during past summers.
The Friends of Beaver Ponds Park gathered on Wednesday to continue weeding, spreading pine bark mulch and wood chips, and water the young trees and flower beds by the entrance to the park on Fournier Street.
The summer intern met with one volunteer to do a walk around the neighborhood of Castle and Monroe Streets in Fair Haven, looking at possible curb strip planting locations and assessing what had been done last summer.
Four volunteers worked to plant perennials amongst the bare spots along the urban oasis. These native perennials now add some much-needed color to the area.
The Cedar Hill Greenspace met on Friday evening to clean out the island on English Drive. They weeded and cleaned out much of the leaves and debris that had built up at the site over the past year.
Volunteers mulched around many of the young trees in Beecher Park and planted the Miss Kim Lilac at the front of the Mitchell Library to replace one that had died over the past year
Volunteers gathers again this Wednesday evening to continue work at Beaver Ponds Park. Together, they worked to spread out a load of wood chips provided by the New Havens Parks Department, continued weeding along the pondside garden, spread mulch around the garden next to Fournier Street, and carted away debris. Additionally, the children all planted annuals in the new Children's Garden and watered and spread mulch around them after planting.
Early in the morning, a small group of volunteers from the Friends of Dover Beach met to work on the butterfly garden. They weeded the entire area, fixed up the edging, and mulched the bed as well.
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park volunteer leaders met with the summer intern to plan out the rest of the summer's activities. All three are looking forward to working to clear out some of the pond views, cleaning up the current beds, and finalizing the children's garden so that it can be a place of fun and learning.
The group gathered on Saturday to continue work along the northern edge of the vacant lot. They started by mulching the plot they had planted last week and then moved on to start digging out other garden beds. Some members additionally worked to create a soda bottle wall garden, which will be interesting for all the children who have been coming out to help out.
This week the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park worked hard to finish weeding and mulching the upper half of the entrance garden along Fournier Street and worked to begin weeding the garden that runs alongside the pond. Many of the children volunteers were also excited to have the opportunity to plant their first flowers in the new children's garden, which were provided by the Pardee Greenhouse. Volunteers additionally used the watering card, donated by URI a past year, to bring pond water around the area to water many of the plants.
A group from Cedar Hill gathered this Friday night to weed and clean out the 219 garden. Various community members stopped by to assist in clearing debris and concrete that had been dumped in this area.
Wednesday evening was cool and pleasant and many volunteers showed up to clean up the Beaver Ponds Park Greenspace at Fournier and Crescent. During their two hours of work, they weeded they upper half of the entrance garden and the path that leads to Crescent Street before mulching the weeded section. Many of the children volunteers proudly helped to cart away the garden debris. The group additionally watered the Blackgum tree beyond the red gate at this entrance and picked up litter in the area.
Three volunteers met at Dover Beach this morning to pick up trash, do a bit of weeding, and review what work is needed at the park and urban oasis over the coming weeks.
Eight volunteers of all ages came together this Saturday morning to spread mulch on the weeded beds and around the trees in the Washington Avenue lot. They also cleared out some invasive species that had taken over some corners of the lot.
The Shelton Avenue Greenspace got together on Saturday morning to plant some hostas along one fence and make a small raised bed where child volunteers planted herb and flower seeds. They also planted some perennial flowers and shrubs around the bed and mowed half the lot and the curb strip. All of the plants were transplanted from group members' homes and much of the raised bed construction was repurposed from materials found in the lot.
Volunteers next to a bed that has been weeded, mulched, and edged with bricks
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park were excited to begin work this summer and, despite it being a rainy afternoon, many dedicated volunteers and their children showed up to clean up their Greenspace for the summer season. Together, they managed to weed half of the entrance garden, cover the weeded section with mulch, and cart away much of the garden debris. Another small group worked to turf a section of grass that will become the group's newest initiative: a children's garden.
Two volunteers have been watering the flowers at the Orchard Street vacant lot plus the trees in the nearby curb strip. They also cut the grass and began to pull up some of the invasive species.
Volunteer blows out debris at Washington Avenue Greenspace
The many beds of the Washington Avenue lot were weeded today by one volunteer. A few large invasives remain to be removed with stronger tools, but the beds are looking clean and ready for a fresh round of mulch!
Volunteers from Blockwatch 303 worked throughout the month of May to weed and mulch the gardens around the Mitchell Library and the bed at Fountain and Whalley.