Sign up to volunteer with a Greenspace group and the Botanical Garden of Healing on a specific date via Sign-Up Genius. Check out our Facebook events page for more information on future and past events.
Upcoming Events
Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride Launch Party
Come launch the Rock to Rock season with snacks, drinks, live music, and friends!
Haven's Harvest, 266 Morse Street
Quarterly Community Meeting with Max Webster
Capital projects will be the focus of this meeting.
Sage Hall, 205 Prospect St.
17th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Event
Register to ride one of 6 bike routes or walk in one of two parks (East Rock or West Rock) with hundreds of people who care about the environment on a beautiful spring day!
East Rock Park, 41 Cold Spring St.
Yale Milestone Tree Planting
Come plant trees in honor of staff members celebrating a milestone year working at Yale.
Campus location TBA, 41 Cold Spring St.
Past Events
Tree Ambassador Canvassing
URI plants free trees for any New Haven resident or business who commits to watering the tree(s) for 3 years. Canvassing is the best method for finding tree adopters.
Meet at the A to Z Deli
Outdoor Workshop on De-Vining
This 2-hour hands-on workshop will be led by URI's Associate Director Chris Ozyck to identify, tag, & de-vine native plants.
West River Memorial Park
Sustainable CT Campaign
Support our winter work through the Sustainable CT matching fund. We need a dozen donors to give $50 to reach our goal. Will you help us?
Tree Ambassador Event
Become a Tree Ambassador! Knock on doors with URI volunteers looking for people willing to adopt and water new street trees in front of their homes or businesses.
Meet at Dayton and Fairfield St.
Community Greenspace 30th Year Celebration
Come celebrate the hardworking volunteers and partners who have made our 30th year of Community Greenspace a success!
Marsh Hall
A Global Walk with Bill
The Global Walk with Bill will take place on Saturday 19 October 2024 at 3p-3:30p Greenwich Mean Time. You are invited to find a meaningful place to-- at that time--go for a brief walk or other contemplation. In doing so, you will join a collective of persons touched by Professor Bill Burch, who passed away on July 16, 2024.
wherever you are
Tree Ambassador Event
URI invites you to knock on doors to identify people willing to adopt and water a new street tree in front of their home or business.
Dwight neighborhood, Monitor Square
Milestone Tree Planting
Plant three sugar maple trees in honor of Yale staff celebrating a milestone year.
Yale Divinity Farm, enter from St. Ronan St.
New Haven Botanical Garden Volunteer Opportunity
Join us to help maintain this special garden.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Annual Greenspace Bus Tour
Jump on a charter bus at City Hall to tour local Greenspaces stewarded by hundreds of volunteers this summer. A light dinner will be served mid-tour. Registration required.
Meet at City Hall
Impactful Tree Planting Strategies to Mitigate Heat Inequalities in Connecticut
The webinar is hosted by the Hixon Center for Urban Sustainability at the Yale School of the Environment, and co-convened by CT DEEP, Sustainable CT, and SCRCOG.
Annual Day of Remembrance at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Registration required.
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
16th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride/Walk
We hope you’ll bike or hike with us! There’s something for every age and skill level, from family-friendly hikes at both East Rock and West Rock, to tons of biking options, ranging from 5 to 60 miles! Join URI's team and help us raise $10,000 for our work planting trees, providing green jobs training, and improving greenspaces in New Haven!
ride starts and ends at East Rock Park
Milestone Tree Plantings
Volunteers are invited to plant trees on Yale Campus with us in honor of staff celebrating a milestone year at Yale.
Rock to Rock Day of Service - Plant trees with URI!
Sign up to work with URI to plant trees during the Rock to Rock Day of Service.
John Martinez School
De-Vining Volunteer Events
Take climate action! Clear invasive vines and plants from forested areas in New Haven. Save our tree canopy from strangulation.
various locations
De-Vining Volunteer Events
Take climate action! Clear invasive vines and plants from forested areas in New Haven. Save our tree canopy from strangulation.
various locations
De-Vining Volunteer Events
Take climate action! Clear invasive vines and plants from forested areas in New Haven. Save our tree canopy from strangulation.
various locations
Tree Ambassador Event
Come knock on doors in Fair Haven and let people know they can request free trees from URI.
Meet in Fair Haven at
Tree Ambassador Event
Come knock on doors in Fair Haven with our Tree Ambassador crew!
Fair Haven
Rock to Rock Launch Party
DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes will be the keynote at the 16th Annual Rock to Rock Launch Party. Listen to live music, eat great food, and learn about the Earth Day series of community rides and walks that will happen on April 27 in support of 24 local nonprofits, including URI.
Tree Ambassador volunteer event
Calling all Tree Ambassadors! Come door knocking in Fair Haven Wed afternoon to let residents know they can request free trees for their curbstrips.
Lewis Street Park
De-Vining Volunteer Event at Pardee Rose Garden
Join URI's Chris Ozyck to remove invasive plants and improve the urban canopy health. This helps to keep carbon stored in trees.
Pardee Rose Garden in East Rock Park
Tool Repair and Maintenance Workshop
Come learn how to repair and maintain your gardening tools: shovels, pruners, etc.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
De-Vining Volunteer Event at Fargeorge Preserve
Meet your neighbors and others interested in keeping our natural areas healthy. No experience necessary.
Fargeorge Preserve
De-Vining Volunteer Event at Wilbur Cross High School
Join Chris Ozyck to remove invasive vines and other plants from the riparian area along the Mill River.
Wilbur Cross High School
De-Vining Volunteer Event in Fairmont Park
De-vining helps to keep our urban canopy healthy. Take climate action in Fairmont Park every Wednesday 3-5 pm.
Fairmont Park
De-Vining Volunteer Event in Fort Nathan Hale Park
De-vining helps to keep our urban canopy healthy. Take climate action in this park to protect the habitats and canopy.
Fort Nathan Hale Park (meet at the dog park)
"De-Vining" Talk
Come learn about "de-vining" and hear from URI's Associate Director and natural areas management expert, Chris Ozyck.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Tree Ambassador Event
Join URI staff to knock on doors in Fair Haven and let residents know they can request free trees for their curbstrip.
Meeet at Esmeralda's Community Greenspace
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Tree Ambassador Event
Sign up to volunteer as a Tree Ambassador!
Meet at Castle St. and Main St. in Fair Haven
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Exploring Nature Open House
Come visit Trowbridge Environmental Center in East Rock Park! Get some fresh air in the park and come inside for free coffee, hot cocoa, and bagels!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Final Recommendations Community Forum and Feedback
Join other New Haven residents in providing ideas and feedback for the city's Parks Re-envisioning.
Dixwell Community House (Q House)
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
Winter Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer with Community Greenspace groups working throughout the city in January. Sign up in advance by following the link.
various locations in New Haven
FERP Workday and Environmental Magic Show
Join us for a volunteer workday and free environmental magic show!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Community Forum on New Haven's Parks
This community forum with Mayor Elicker is an opportunity for New Haven residents to provide input on what they would like to see when the City restructures the park system. Registration required.
Room G2
Exploring Nature Open House in Trowbridge
Get outside! Come out to East Rock Park this holiday weekend!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Participate in the Parks Community Survey!
Take the community survey on parks in New Haven today!
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Join the mothers of victims of gun violence to help maintain the garden this fall!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Join the mothers of victims of gun violence to help maintain the garden this fall!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Lecture: Dr. Kai Zhu, "Plant biodiversity responses to climate change: Contrasting implications from forests and grasslands"
cohosted by the Hixon Center for Urban Sustainability and The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment
Marsh Rotunda
Tree Ambassador Volunteer Event
Volunteer to help URI plant more trees by knocking on doors to share information about how to adopt free trees for your curbstrip.
Clinton St. and Grafton St. corner of Chatham Sq. Park (Nov 1 only)
Exploring Nature Five Senses Walk
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Tree Ambassador Volunteer Event
Volunteer to help URI plant more trees by knocking on doors to share information about how to adopt free trees for your curbstrip.
Clinton St. and Grafton St. corner of Chatham Sq. Park (Nov 1 only)
Volunteer in the Botanical Garden of Healing
Help keep the Botanical Garden of Healing looking pristine and beautiful.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Tree Ambassador Volunteer Event
Volunteer to help URI plant more trees by knocking on doors to share information about how to adopt free trees for your curbstrip.
Clinton St. and Grafton St. corner of Chatham Sq. Park (Nov 1 only)
Exploring Nature Soil Exploration Walk
Join us for a free Soil Exploration walk in East Rock Park!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Volunteer in the Botanical Garden of Healing
Help keep the Botanical Garden of Healing looking pristine and beautiful.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Tree Ambassador Volunteer Event
Volunteer to help URI plant more trees by knocking on doors to share information about how to adopt free trees for your curbstrip.
Clinton St. and Grafton St. corner of Chatham Sq. Park (Nov 1 only)
Tree Ambassador Volunteer Event
Volunteer to help URI plant more trees by knocking on doors to share information about how to adopt free trees for your curbstrip.
Clinton St. and Grafton St. corner of Chatham Sq. Park (Nov 1 only)
Yale Staff Milestone Tree Plantings
Come plant trees on Yale Campus in honor of staff celebrating a milestone year. Celebrate Sustainability Week!
Yale Health
Hixon Urban Conference- Urban Forests: Solutions for a Changing Climate
The 10th annual Hixon Center Urban Conference is jointly convened by the Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the USDA Forest Service, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Natural Areas Conservancy.
Yale School of the Environment
Tree Ambassador Training
Want to help get more trees planted in New Haven? Come to this brief training on how to be a Tree Ambassador!
CT Folk Fest in Edgerton Park
Annual Community Greenspace Bus Tour
RESCHEDULED for 8/10: Join URI and Community Greenspace leaders for a tour of several fantastic greenspace sites throughout New Haven.
Meet at City Hall
Pollinator Garden Tour
Take a tour with Kunso Kim of this new pollinator garden at the Marsh Botanical Garden.
Yale's Marsh Botanical Garden
Community Greenspace Volunteer Workdays
Join Community Greenpspace groups throughout New Haven at volunteer workdays which run Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at various locations.
New Haven
Annual Day of Remembrance
The Annual Day of Remembrance will bring together families, dignitaries and community supporters to read all of the names of the victims of gun violence honored in the garden.
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Snake and Salamander Walk
Join Exploring Nature for a walk in the woods looking for snakes, salamanders, and turtles. We are thankful to herpetologist Dennis Quinn for leading this walk.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Turtle Talk
Join us for a live turtle show by The Turtle's Back.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
The Great Give
The Great Give is an annual online giving event. Every donation to URI will be matched 2:1!
online giving event
15th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride/Walk
Support URI through the 15th Annual event! Register and sign up to raise funds for URI to help plant more trees and greenspaces!
East Rock Park
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Planting for Pollinators Workshop
The workshop will be led by Jessica Larkin-Wells, the Spring Valley Student Farm Manager. Come learn why and how to plant for pollinators!
Trowbridge Environmental Center
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature
Open House in East Rock Park's Ranger Station
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
De-Vining to Save Trees from Invasive Plants
Sign up to volunteer with URI to remove invasive vines and other plants to clear the way for native trees and plants to thrive in the forest along the highway ramps.
Blake Field near the I-91 ramps
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Turtle Talk
Live turtles and a talk about native turtles by Pam Meier
East Rock Park's Trowbridge Environmental Center
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Nature Walk with Nature Book Club
Take a walk with a naturalist at 3 and come inside to discuss your favorite nature books over tea and hot cocoa!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
De-Vining in West River Park - Community Service Opportunity
Come remove invasive vines and plants from trees in West River Park. Youth leaders of the New Haven Climate Movement will be there.
Barnard Nature Center in West River Park
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Open House hosted by FERP
Come meet neighbors, eat snacks, drink coffee, and explore the numerous resources in Trowbridge!
East Rock Park's Trowbridge Environmental Center
"De-vining" in East Rock Park | Protegiendo el parque de especies invasoras
Volunteers needed to help protect the park's canopy from invasive vines. | Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar a proteger el follaje del parque de plantas invasoras (enredaderas y trepadoras).
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: DeVining with Chris Ozyck
Come save trees from invasive vines in East Rock Park!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: Junior Explorers Club
Join us on Tuesdays from 3-5 pm for the Junior Explorers Club with volunteers from Fair Haven Community Health Care
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: Devining Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteer with Chris Ozyck to save trees from invasive vines.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: Junior Explorers Club
Join us on Tuesdays from 3-5 pm for the Junior Explorers Club with volunteers from Fair Haven Community Health Care
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Combining inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches to increase the resilience of urban forests – lessons learned from the Green-Lung (GrüneLunge) project in Karlsruhe, Germany
Join us for a lunch talk with Somidh Saha from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. The talk is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
Marsh Rotunda
Exploring Nature: Winter Tree ID Walk
URI's Miche Palmer will lead a tree walk from 3-4pm followed by a reception in Trowbridge Environmental Center.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: Junior Explorers Club
Join us on Tuesdays from 3-5 pm for the Junior Explorers Club with volunteers from Fair Haven Community Health Care
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Volunteer in East Rock Park
Come support East Rock Park and make it a more beautiful and accessible park for all residents!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: Junior Explorers Club
Join us on Tuesdays from 3-5 pm for the Junior Explorers Club with volunteers from Fair Haven Community Health Care
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature: Rainy Day in the Park
Come inside Trowbridge Environmental Center for coffee and bagels and to get shelter from the rain!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Botanical Garden of Healing Fall Clean-Up
Come plant bulbs and rake leaves with us!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Exploring Nature: Devining with Chris Ozyck
Cut invasive vines in the park on a beautiful afternoon!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Exploring Nature Open House
Join us to launch the Exploring Nature in East Rock Park program! The festivities will include a tour, lunch, speakers, live music, and a magic show.
East Rock Ranger Station
Exploring Nature Walk
Join a nature walk led by Yale students and accompanied by Fair Haven Community Health Care volunteers. The event is free, open to the public, and one-hour in length. Please register to attend: tinyurl.com/NHVgreenspace
East Rock Ranger Station
Devining and Nature Walk in East Rock Park
Come devine with Chris Ozyck in East Rock Park from 3-5 pm followed by a Nature Walk with Isa from 5 to 6pm.
East Rock Park Ranger Station
Yale Milestone Tree Planting - Celebrate Sustainability Week
Come plant trees on Yale Campus in honor of staff milestones!
Yale Armory
Volunteer in the Botanical Garden of Healing
Come plant with us in the Botanical Garden of Healing!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
URI Community Greenspace Bus Tour
Please join us to see how volunteers have made our city's Greenspaces beautiful! Registration is required at tinyurl.com/bustour2022.
New Haven City Hall
Exploring Nature Book Club
Bring your favorite nature book to share and discover new ones at the Exploring Nature Book Club for people of all ages! The book club will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Bicentennial Celebration of Donald Grant Mitchell
The Friends of East Rock Park are hosting an informative talk and easy walk with landscape architect Channing Harris at 1 pm.
College Woods, East Rock Park
All Things Pollinators
Doreen Abubakar is receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from the CT Audubon. Come for the native plant sale at 10 am and stay for the kids activities!
Farmington Canal Learning Corridor
Botanical Garden of Healing Volunteer Workday
Volunteers wanted for the first official workday of the summer season in the Botanical Garden of Healing!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
10,000 Trees Celebration
URI celebrates its 10,000th tree planted in New Haven! Join us on Friday for a ceremonial tree planting and on Saturday for a musical celebration and awards ceremony.
Quinnipiac River Park
10,000 Trees Celebration
URI celebrates its 10,000th tree planted in New Haven! Join us on Friday for a ceremonial tree planting and on Saturday for a musical celebration and awards ceremony.
Quinnipiac River Park
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
Tree Planting in Honor of Yale Staff Milestones
Volunteers needed to help plant 6-8 trees in honor Yale staff celebrating a milestone year.
Yale Armory, Yale Carol Roberts Field House
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
14th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride
Ride or hike Rock to Rock, New Haven's largest Earth Day celebration.
East Rock Park near the Trowbridge Center
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
YSE Day of Service in the Botanical Garden of Healing
The Botanical Garden of Healing will host YSE students for a community day of service.
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Special Earth Day Workday
Special Earth Day Workday: Join Riverkeeper Peter Davis for a massive cleanup of the Hemingway Creek wetlands (co-hosted by Fairmont Park, Quarry Park, Canoe Launch, and the Hemingway Butterfly Garden).
Hemingway Creek wetlands
Digging Together
Hosted by the Edgerton Park Conservancy, URI Director Colleen Murphy-Dunning will talk about planting 10,000 trees in New Haven.
Rock to Rock Patagonia Meet-Up
Come meet fellow Rock to Rock participants and partners and taste East Rock Brewing beer and Sanctuary Kitchen snacks!
Patagonia New Haven
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
Friends of Fairmont Park
Join the Friends of Fairmont Park in a weekly workday 3-5 pm on Fridays.
Fairmont Park
Optimizing ecosystem service provisioning through tree planting strategies that account for community health and demographics with Mayra Rodríguez González
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
Friends of Beaver Ponds Park Volunteer Workday
Join the Friends of Beaver Ponds Park to clear invasives, plant trees and flowers, and make the landscape beautiful.
Beaver Ponds Park
Rock to Rock Day of Service
Sign up to volunteer to work with Friends of East Rock Park or any of the Rock to Rock nonprofit partners on April 9.
East Rock Park near the Trowbridge Center
Friends of Fairmont Park
Join the Friends of Fairmont Park in a weekly workday 3-5 pm on Fridays.
Fairmont Park
Atlanta’s South River Forest: A Consideration of Affordable Housing Dr. Cassandra Johnson Gaither
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
The Inequity of Climate Impacts and Access to Nature-based Solutions in New York City with Dr. Timon McPhearson
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
Friends of Kimberly Field meeting
We will meet in the park near the entrance to Betsy Ross Arts Magnet School (BRAMS).
Kimberly Field
Urban Forests Planning for Future Climate Change Scenarios with Dr. Joe McBride
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
Putting Urban Forest Theory Into Practice: Tree Risk, Pests, and Storms with Jennifer Greenfeld
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
Forest DeVining at Massaro Farm
Chris Ozyck will instruct volunteers on identifying and pruning invasive vines that, when cut back, allow a healthy forest canopy in the farm’s woods and wetlands.
Massaro Farm
DeVining in Fairmont Park
Join the Friends of Fairmont Park to remove invasive plants and let the native understory grow!
Fairmont Park
Stand dynamics and diversity patterns in planted and naturally regenerating urban forests with Dr. Danica Doroski
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
DeVining in East Rock Park
Come save trees from invasive vine strangulation.
East Rock Park (near the basketball half-court by Rice Field)
Forest DeVining in Lighthouse Park
Come devining with Chris Ozyck in Lighthouse Point Park!
Lighthouse Park
Silviculture in the City with Dr. Max Piana
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
Climate Change & Urban Forest Policy & Action – International Perspectives with Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
virtual webinar
Kimberly Field Community Input Meeting
Help shape the future Kimberly Field!
Estimating Carbon Storage in the City with Dr. Mark Bradford
This seminar is in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
virtual webinar
Urban Forest Mensuration, Information Systems, and Decision Support with Dr. Dexter Locke
This is the second spring 2022 seminar in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public.
virtual webinar
Principles of Urban Forestry with Dr. Sharon Jean-Philippe
This is the first Spring 2022 seminar in a series focused on urban forest management hosted jointly by the Yale Hixon Center for Urban Ecology, the Urban Resources Initiative, and the Yale Forest Forum. This virtual seminar is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
Volunteer in the Botanical Garden of Healing
Help to plant tulip bulbs this Sunday at 2pm!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer with Friends of East Rock Park
Join FERP to improve the park!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Volunteer with the Friends of Edgewood Park
Help improve Edgewood Park!
Edgewood Park Ranger Station
Volunteer with the Friends of Edgewood Park
Help improve Edgewood Park!
Edgewood Park Ranger Station
Volunteer with the Friends of Edgewood Park
Help improve Edgewood Park!
Edgewood Park Ranger Station
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer with the Friends of Edgewood Park
Help improve Edgewood Park!
Edgewood Park Ranger Station
Volunteer in the Botanical Garden of Healing
Help to plant tulip bulbs this Sunday at 2pm!
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer in Spruel Space
Plant bulbs and help winterize the garden.
Spruel Space
Volunteer with Friends of East Rock Park
Join FERP to clean up the park!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Community Greenspace End of Season Celebration
Join us for doughnuts, cider, bulbs, and community cheer!
Beaver Ponds Park
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
ParkScore Meeting
This is event is for Greenspace participants.
Mill River Trail Introduction to the Community (in Spanish and English)
Descubre el Mill River Trail! Discover the Mill River Trail!
Mill River Trail (meet at Grand Paint Parking Lot)
Volunteer with Friends of East Rock Park
Join FERP in making the park a more beautiful place!
Trowbridge Environmental Center, East Rock Park
Volunteer in the Botanical Garden of Healing
Come garden with us and honor lives lost to gun violence.
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Join us for a special day of service in the garden.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Join us for a special day of service in the garden.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer with Fairmont Park
Volunteer in Fairmont Park every Friday 3-5 pm!
Fairmont Park
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Join us for a special day of service in the garden.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Join us for a special day of service in the garden.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Arts & Ideas Festival Tour
Take a tour of the garden with the Arts & Ideas Festival!
New Haven Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Social event for New Groups
The event provided a platform for new Green Space groups to learn from a group that has been practicing good stewardship of the park for the past two decades.
Lenzi Park
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedication
The families of victims of gun violence are hosting a dedication of this new garden, the first of its kind.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Botanical Garden of Healing Workday
Help maintain the garden dedicated to victims of gun violence.
Botanical Garden of Healing Dedicated to Victims of Gun Violence
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Climate Change and Greenspace
A community conversation about Climate Change with Yale School of the Environment's Professor and Senior Associate Dean of Professional Practice Brad Gentry.
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Social and Ecological Infrastructure for Recidivism Reduction
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, MARCH 18 - APRIL 20, 2021 Co-convened by the Initiative for Community Justice & Engaged Pedagogy at Boston College and Yale School of the Environment Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation
On the Frontlines of Change and Transformation: How the community forester is essential to our shared future
This Thursday, join the Yale Forest Forum for a webinar with Erika Svendsen, Social Scientist and Team Leader, NYC Urban Field Station, U.S. Forest Service.
Environmental Justice and Greenspace
For Community Greenspace participants: A conversation about Environmental Justice with Dr. Gerald Torres
Urban Film Screening and Q&A: Motherload
virtual Q&A with Director Liz Canning
Hixon Center Urban Conference- Future Cities’ Material Flows: Implications of Design, Production & Waste
This virtual conference will focus on the potential of mass timber as primary building material in inner cities.
This is an entirely virtual event via Zoom.
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Ask a Yale Environmental Expert Zoom Call Series: The Value of Trees
"Ask a Yale Environmental Expert” are weekly Zoom calls designed to engage local high school students and interested New Haven residents to learn about environmental topics from Yale F&ES faculty. Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Zoom Call
Tree Ambassador Open Discussion
Interested in learning about how to be an effective Tree Ambassador?
Zoom Call
Saving Trees from Vines
Winter workdays are a great way to stay active and have an impact! Many of our trees are threatened by vines that are stangling them. We need your help to save our trees!
Beaver Ponds on 2/26, Lighthouse on 2/29, East Rock on 3/14
Sanctuary Saturday in Support of URI
Sanctuary Saturday is an event supporting one progressive charity each month generously hosted by The Bar at Firehouse 12. On March 7, 100% of profits will go to Urban Resources Initiative!
The Bar at Firehouse 12
Saving Trees from Vines
Winter workdays are a great way to stay active and have an impact! Many of our trees are threatened by vines that are stangling them. We need your help to save our trees!
Beaver Ponds on 2/26, Lighthouse on 2/29, East Rock on 3/14
Saving Trees from Vines
Winter workdays are a great way to stay active and have an impact! Many of our trees are threatened by vines that are stangling them. We need your help to save our trees!
Beaver Ponds on 2/26, Lighthouse on 2/29, East Rock on 3/14
New Haven's Downtown Bioswales: Design, Function and Measured Performance
This talk is part of a the Hixon Center for Urban Ecology at Yale Spring Speaker Series and is open to the public.
Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall
Pint Night at Patagonia Supporting URI
Come taste some local brews and learn about what's new at URI.
Community Greenspace Cookie Swap
Community Greenspace volunteers are invited to meet-up with each other to pick up their ordered tees and exchange cookies for the holidays!
Marsh Hall, first floor
Hixon Center Urban Conference-- The 21st Century City: Striving Toward a More Equitable & Sustainable Future
Register by Nov 1 for the conference!
Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall
Volunteer in the Healing Garden!
Join us to create the Botanical Garden of Healing in Dedication to Victims of Gun Violence!
Botanical Garden of Healing in Dedication to Victims of Gun Violence
Volunteer Tree Planting
Come plant 4 trees with us!
Dwight Gardens
Volunteer Tree Planting for Yale Milestone Honorees
Come plant 3 trees with us in honor of Yale staff who are celebrating a milestone year at Yale.
1201 Chapel Street (rear parking lot)
Frostian Conundrum: Stories of failure and hope for people and forests on the margins of the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Asia
This talk with Dr. Bill Burch is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided. No registration.
Marsh Hall, first floor
Breaking Cycles of Incarceration with Opportunities in Urban Forestry
Free lunch panel talk with our partners from EMERGE
Marsh Hall, first floor
Nutrition, Geography, and Cities: Understanding complex food choices in urban environments
This free event is open to the public. Lunch will be provided.
Kroon Hall Room 321
Community Greenspace End of Season Celebration
We invite all Greenspace volunteers and friends to come celebrate with a night at the Carousel in Lighthouse Park!
Lighthouse Point Carousel
An evening with Urban Resources Initiative
Get tickets by donation here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-urban-resources-initiative-tickets-69133497151
Cherry Ann Park
Annual Greenspace Bus Tour
This event is free and open to the public. However, registration is necessary to ensure you get a seat on the buses.
bus tour begins and ends at City Hall
Celebrate 25 years of Greenspace!
Join us as we celebrate 25 years of support from the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and the City of New Haven for URI's Community Greenspace program.
Farmington Canal Greenspace
Urban Oasis Workshop on Native Plants, Habitat and Wildflowers
Come see New Haven's newest park! Discover what an urban oasis is and the importance of native plants for habitat and pollinators. Learn how to plant wildflower seeds. This event is free and open to the public.
Cherry Ann Park
Movie Debut Night with Shorts by and about URI/EMERGE crew members
Come watch 8 short (3-4 minute) videos created by and about our GreenSkills crew members.
Bowers Auditorium, Sage Hall
Healing Memorial Garden Ground Breaking
Join us to kick off the next phase of the garden's development.
Healing Memorial Garden
Yale Day of Service
Come plant 6-8 trees in honor of Yale staff who are completing a milestone year at Yale.
Harkness Tower, 74 High Street
Bench Dedication in Cherry Ann Park
Students at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies have thrown fundraisers and secured grant funding to buy much needed benches for Cherry Ann Park. We will dedicate the benches on Friday at 1pm.
Cherry Ann Park
11th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride
Register now for New Haven's largest Earth Day celebration biking from West Rock to East Rock with 1000 friends. Join URI's Arborphile team today and support the work of greening New Haven one tree, park and bioswale at a time!
West Rock to East Rock
Rock to Rock Day of Service
Scantlebury Park and Farmington Canal at Shelton Ave.
Examining Energy Consumption Transitions in Urbanizing Indian households
Demand-side measures, such as urban energy management in households, are central to addressing global climate change. Examining and shaping energy consumption patterns is particularly salient in developing countries, where the bulk of urban growth is projected to occur, and which are often the most vulnerable to climate impacts. India, which is at the cusp of the largest urban transition predicted in history, is key to these discussions.
380 Edwards Street Classroom
Urban Planning in Context: Experiences and Lessons Learned Working with Local Governments in Asia
The Hixon Center for Urban Ecology is excited to invite Asha Ghosh to speak as part our Spring Speaker Series. The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided.
Rotunda in Marsh Hall
Pint Night at Patagonia
It's time to get excited about the 11th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride. We are joining forces with Green Drinks to put on a Pint Night to benefit Rock to Rock. We will have beer, wine, and refreshments. Admission: $5 donation to Rock to Rock
Winter Workday in Edgewood Park
Join the Friends of Edgewood crew for a Winter Work Day removing invasive plants and liberating the park! The crew is pictured above holding a bittersweet vine they removed last Saturday! Find parking at Coogan Pavilion and meet at the Mid-Bridge.
Midbridge in Edgewood Park
City Agency Directors Discuss Innovative Management of Urban Infrastructure
Learn from Directors of Engineering, Parks, and Transportation how they are managing water, transit, and public parks towards a more sustainable future in New Haven.
Kroon Hall, Burke Auditorium
An Ecology of Segregation
Join us for this free lunch talk with URI's first Greenspace intern, Morgan Grove, Ph.D. This is open to the public!
Kroon Hall, Burke Auditorium
Hixon Center Conference on Green Infrastructure
Read more and register: https://hixon.yale.edu/events/conference/conference-urban-green-infrastructure
Kroon Hall
Greenspace End of the Season Celebration
Bulb Giveaway for Volunteers to Plant in Greenspaces this Fall
URI Office Backyard
Connecting Communities and Ecosystems in Restoration Practice
Sign up to present a poster and apply for a student grant to attend by September 15!
Southern CT State University
Volunteer Tree Planting
We'll plant 5 trees in honor of Yale employees completing a milestone year at Yale.
Phelps Gate
Annual Greenspace Bus Tour
Hop on the bus and tour a handful of New Haven’s finest community greenspaces maintained by local volunteers working with URI.
bus tour begins and ends at City Hall
Volunteer with Monroe Street Greenspace Group
Come help make this streetscape more beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Monroe Community Greenspace
Cedar Hill Beautification Project
Come help green Cedar Hill with plants and people power! Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. Gloves, tools, plants, and supplies provided.
Fair Haven Neighbors in Action
Come join the FHNIA to beautify New Haven's streetscape along Exchange Street and its surrounding streets. Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. We will provide the gloves, tools, and supplies needed.
Volunteer with the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park
Come meet your neighbors and help to beautify your local park. Gloves and tools provided.
Quinnipiac River Park
Join the Friends of Farmington Canal
Come help make this triangle park beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Farmington Canal Urban Oasis
East Rock Park needs YOU!
Join FERP (the Friends of East Rock Park) to help beautify our local park every Thursday at 9am. Tools, supplies, plants, and gloves provided.
College Woods. East Rock Park
Volunteer with Friends of Oyster Point
We need help to make Oyster Point beautiful every Wed at 6pm. Come prepared to garden and make friends in the triangle park at Sea Street and Water Street.
Oyster Point
Friends of Dover Beach Park Unite!
You are welcome to garden with the Friends of Dover Beach every Wed at 5pm. Tools, gloves, plants and supplies are provided.
Dover Beach Park
Cedar Hill Beautification Project
Come help green Cedar Hill with plants and people power! Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. Gloves, tools, plants, and supplies provided.
Fair Haven Neighbors in Action
Come join the FHNIA to beautify New Haven's streetscape along Exchange Street and its surrounding streets. Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. We will provide the gloves, tools, and supplies needed.
Volunteer with the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park
Come meet your neighbors and help to beautify your local park. Gloves and tools provided.
Quinnipiac River Park
Join the Friends of Farmington Canal
Come help make this triangle park beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Farmington Canal Urban Oasis
East Rock Park needs YOU!
Join FERP (the Friends of East Rock Park) to help beautify our local park every Thursday at 9am. Tools, supplies, plants, and gloves provided.
College Woods. East Rock Park
Volunteer with Friends of Oyster Point
We need help to make Oyster Point beautiful every Wed at 6pm. Come prepared to garden and make friends in the triangle park at Sea Street and Water Street.
Oyster Point
Friends of Dover Beach Park Unite!
You are welcome to garden with the Friends of Dover Beach every Wed at 5pm. Tools, gloves, plants and supplies are provided.
Dover Beach Park
Tree Planting at Rainbow Park
Together we will plant a red maple tree in Rainbow Park.
Rainbow Park
Chris Engstrom Garden Planting
Come plant perennials and shrubs in the Chris Engstrom Garden at 4:15pm. Turn this public parking lot into a green and flowery oasis.
Westville Public Parking Lot
Volunteer with Monroe Street Greenspace Group
Come help make this streetscape more beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Monroe Community Greenspace
Cedar Hill Beautification Project
Come help green Cedar Hill with plants and people power! Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. Gloves, tools, plants, and supplies provided.
Fair Haven Neighbors in Action
Come join the FHNIA to beautify New Haven's streetscape along Exchange Street and its surrounding streets. Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. We will provide the gloves, tools, and supplies needed.
Join the Friends of Farmington Canal
Come help make this triangle park beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Farmington Canal Urban Oasis
Volunteer with the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park
Come meet your neighbors and help to beautify your local park. Gloves and tools provided.
Quinnipiac River Park
East Rock Park needs YOU!
Join FERP (the Friends of East Rock Park) to help beautify our local park every Thursday at 9am. Tools, supplies, plants, and gloves provided.
College Woods. East Rock Park
Volunteer with Friends of Oyster Point
We need help to make Oyster Point beautiful every Wed at 6pm. Come prepared to garden and make friends in the triangle park at Sea Street and Water Street.
Oyster Point
Friends of Dover Beach Park Unite!
You are welcome to garden with the Friends of Dover Beach every Wed at 5pm. Tools, gloves, plants and supplies are provided.
Dover Beach Park
Volunteer with Monroe Street Greenspace Group
Come help make this streetscape more beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Monroe Community Greenspace
Cedar Hill Beautification Project
Come help green Cedar Hill with plants and people power! Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. Gloves, tools, plants, and supplies provided.
Fair Haven Neighbors in Action
Come join the FHNIA to beautify New Haven's streetscape along Exchange Street and its surrounding streets. Wear clothes that can get dirty and sturdy shoes. We will provide the gloves, tools, and supplies needed.
Join the Friends of Farmington Canal
Come help make this triangle park beautiful. Plants, mulch, tools and gloves provided.
Farmington Canal Urban Oasis
Lenzi Park
Come garden with the Friends of Lenzi Park every Thursday at 5pm.
Lenzi Park
Volunteer with the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park
Come meet your neighbors and help to beautify your local park. Gloves and tools provided.
Quinnipiac River Park
East Rock Park needs YOU!
Join FERP (the Friends of East Rock Park) to help beautify our local park every Thursday at 9am. Tools, supplies, plants, and gloves provided.
College Woods. East Rock Park
Volunteer with Friends of Oyster Point
We need help to make Oyster Point beautiful every Wed at 6pm. Come prepared to garden and make friends in the triangle park at Sea Street and Water Street.
Oyster Point
Friends of Dover Beach Park Unite!
You are welcome to garden with the Friends of Dover Beach every Wed at 5pm. Tools, gloves, plants and supplies are provided.
Dover Beach Park
Chris Engstrom Garden Planning Meeting
Join in the planning and be a part of the realization of a garden space in the Westville public parking lot.
Victims of Gun Violence Memorial Reflection Garden Community Meeting
Come learn about emerging plans for a memorial reflection garden to victims of gun violence. Share your ideas and work with others to advance planning for this important space.
West Rock STREAM Academy
Event postponed until spring: Tree Identification Workshop
Attendees will receive a Tree Identification Field Guide
Farnham Drive Parking Lot in East Rock Park
10th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride
Join 1,500 cyclists traveling from West Rock to East Rock in a parade of bikes celebrating Earth Day! the event supports URI and 33 other non-profits doing environmental work in the region. Register today!
5 routes from Common Ground to East Rock Park
Rock to Rock Day of Environmental Service
URI will host one of the service sites for the Rock to Rock Day of Service. Details are forthcoming.
Remove invasive plants from a sensitive habitat in Edgewood Park
Remove invasive plants from a sensitive habitat with the Friends of Edgewood Park---Winter is a great time for this task!
Parks Department Headquarters
Construction of Nature in New York City
Join the Hixon Center for Urban Ecology for a lunch talk given by Dr. Lindsay K. Campbell. This event is free and open to the public.
Kroon Hall, Room 321
Dreams and Nightmares of Urban Restoration Ecology
This lunch talk is hosted by the Hixon Center for Urban Ecology. It is free and open to the public.
Kroon Hall, Room 319
Trail Work Day with REI
We need volunteers to help improve trails in East Rock Park!
East Rock Park
Forging University-Municipality Partnerships Towards Urban Sustainability
The conference will be organized around three thematic panels. Each will include four cities with paired speakers representing campus and municipalities describing a collaborative project. Through a Leadership Panel mayors and their university counterparts will broadly share their sustainability ambitions.
Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall
Volunteer Tree Planting on Yale Campus
Come honor members of Yale staff by planting trees with us!
Yale Health
Joe McBride
Along with Yale Forest Forum, we are excited to bring Joe McBride to New Haven to kick off our fall lunch talk series and discuss his research and experiences in urban forestry.
Room 319, Kroon Hall
Annual Greenspace Bus Tour
Hop on the bus and tour a handful of New Haven's finest community greenspaces maintained by local volunteers working with Greenspace.
New Haven City Hall
Tree Identification Workshop with Dr. Marlyse Duguid
Attendees will receive a Guide to New Haven's Trees and will walk away with greater knowledge of our local trees and plants. Free and open to the public. Please register.
meet at the Pavilion in College Woods, East Rock Park
Kids' Fair at Cherry Ann Park
The U.S. Conference of Mayors and Scott's Miracle Gro is supporting Cherry Ann Park with a Gro1000 grant and we're celebrating! Come for a community planting at 10, an awards ceremony with Mayor Harp at 11, lunch at 11:30, and kids' activities and live music from 12-2. Free and open to the public.
Cherry Ann Park
Canceled: Field Trip to Hartford's Elizabeth Park
(for Greenspace participants only)
Parks Meeting
(for Friends of Parks groups only)
Parks Office
Perennial Swap and Transplant Training
Pardee Rose Garden
Tree Planting on Prospect Street
Come plant trees with URI, Yale HR and alumni in honor of members of the Yale community who have chosen to celebrate a milestone at Yale with a campus tree through the Yale Trees Staff Milestone program.
Prospect Street, between Sachem and Hillside
Tree and Shrub Pruning Training
Learn how to prune shrubs and trees in this hands-on training near the Animal Shelter in Beaver Ponds Park.
Beaver Ponds Park
Jimmy Chin: Art and Adventure
Join us together with Trailblazer and The North Face on May 2nd for an evening with Jimmy Chin. He’ll talk about his background, where he came from, his motivations, how he got started and some of the seminal expeditions in his career as an athlete, filmmaker, and photographer.
SSS ("Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall")
The Great Give
online giving event
Urban Greening for Urban Birds
Dr. Warren’s will speak about her research, done in New England and around the country, to understand the processes in generating and maintaining biological diversity in a world that is becoming increasingly dominated by humans.
Kroon, G01
Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride
Join URI's Rock to Rock team to help raise $20,000 for Greenspace and GreenSkills.
ride from Common Ground to East Rock Park
Deadline extended! Summer Community Forester Internship Applications
Applications are due March 10, 2017 for summer Community Greenspace internships. Yale graduate and undergraduate students who wish to apply, please email resumes to Associate Director, Chris Ozyck (christopher.ozyck@yale.edu).
A Garden is a Solution that Leads to Other Solutions: Advocates as Catalysts
Paula Z. Segal, Esq., the founding director of 596 Acres; will present strategies for transformation of space and transformation of though that lead to normalizing stewardship
Kroon, G01
URI Rock to Rock Team Warm-Up Ride and Breakfast
Ride to Sage Hall for a team breakfast with teammates in your neighborhood. Bring a friend, register for Rock to Rock, discover who on your team is riding which routes. Eat delicious food from G Cafe and win prizes from REI.
Sage Lounge
Enhancing Communities through Multifunctional Green Infrastructure
Franco Montalto, Drexel University- Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering; presents recent efforts his lab has taken to quantify how water moves through different kinds of urban GI, emphasizing specifically where field observations deviate significantly from normative theories.
Kroon, G01
Rock to Rock Day of Service in Scantlebury Park
Help clean up the Rock to Rock bike route along the Farmington Canal and in Scantlebury Park. 800+ cyclists will have a rest stop here on April 22 as part of the 9th Annual Rock to Rock Earth Day Ride. Rgister to ride on URI's team today here: www.rocktorock.donordrive.com/team/urirocks
Scantlebury Park
Apply now to be part of Community Greenspace in summer 2017
New Haven Urban Resources Initiative (URI) invites you to apply to be part of the Community Greenspace program to support you and your neighbors’ efforts to revitalize your community.
Post-Industrial Ecology: No Historic Reference Required
This presentation is part of the annual Hixon Center for Urban Ecology lecture series. The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided.
Kroon G01
Designed to Thrive- Social and Ecological Urbanism with Purpose
Evans Hall, Classroom 2400
Applications Due for Spring Semester Internships
Yale graduate and undergraduate students interested in applying for spring GreenSkills internships should have a broad knowledge of ecosystem services and urban ecosystems, as well as an interest in working with youth and/or ex-offenders. If interested, please call our GreenSkills Manager, Katie Beechem at (203) 432-6189 or email katherine.beechem@yale.edu.
Tree Plantings on Artizan Street
Artizan Street was a tree lined street a couple of months ago... all ash trees. It lost its tree canopy due to an infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer. Come help URI's GreenSkills crew and Artizan street neighbors reforest the street with lovely tree lilacs and cherry trees.
Artizan Street
Long Wharf Drive Tree Planting
Come plant trees with URI's GreenSkills crew near the taco trucks on Long Wharf Drive.
Long Wharf Drive (near the taco trucks)
Hixon Center Conference: Urban Resilence and Sustainability
This annual day-long conference brings scholars and practitioners together to understand and enhance the urban environment. This event is free and open to the public.
Kroon Hall
Volunteer Opportunity: Come plant Yale Staff Service Recognition trees with us!
Come plant 6 trees with URI and Yale HR in honor of Yale staff who chose to celebrate a milestone at Yale with a tree on campus. Wear clothes that can get dirty and closed toe shoes. Rain or shine.
West Campus
National Park Service: Urban Land Issues panel
This panel is the first in a series of public events sponsored by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies this fall commemorating the National Park Service Centennial.
Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall